R | 05 May 2012 (USA)
Devoured Trailers

Malevolent forces within the walls of an old restaurant torment a cleaning woman who is trying to earn enough money to pay for her son's operation.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
rosecalifornia Trying to write this without a spoiler - hmmmmm. The story line jumps around unconnected and is not believable (there has to be a small thread of possibility that this movie lacks). A woman from El Salvador is working to make money to help her son that lives with her mother. The "horror" make-up is really bad. It will really remind you of the stuff you purchase once a year at those pop-up Halloween stores.The acting is poor. Not sure what else to say about that. And I really enjoy seeing unknowns over "big names" - but these actors just weren't working here. There is excessive BOTOX. You would think by now there would be a clause in contract regarding BOTOX prior to filming. And the last few minutes ultimately try to tie together an entire movie that made no sense. Unclear why there were so many breaks with food, chopping and cooking - maybe to tie it into the title - but it brings nothing to the disjointed movie.
ksgillihan Having seen the trailer a few months ago, this movie instantly went on my check-list as a must-see movie. The film starts with an interesting story as a mother works to save money for her ill child who lives far away. Soon she starts to see some strange things and she begins to question her sanity. I liked this direction as the occasional specter would show up unannounced and leave just as quickly. We are left wondering if they are "real" or if they are just "real" to her. From the trailer I expected this film to creep my out a lot more than it did. Granted I have a high tolerance to being scared but I had hopes in what the trailer seemed to promise. Towards the 3/4 mark the film seemed to lose steam as we begin to see what is really going on (if you guessed it like I did) with the main character. What doesn't really make sense to me is why she would just start killing people like mad. Sure she had just lost her son but why the heck does that make her character just start killing people? Didn't seem to fit with the character in my opinion. Ultimately not scary and not shocking.
johnny-335704 I watched this movie yesterday. When I saw this movie's rating on IMDb, I was suspicious about it. After watching this movie, I came to the conclusion: first, the movie is slow paced & second, this movie is not scary enough. However the acting by actress Marta in lead role is pretty good but sadly it alone is not enough to make the film enjoyable. All the side characters in movie have been given negligible role to play. Movie just focuses on Marta but after a certain time, it loses grip over the plot & pace. The only thing, I can say is if you really have some free time then watch this movie & expect very limited horror only from this movie. It seems the director is trying his hands first time at horror genre.
billcr12 Do not waste your time on this tedious, slow moving, "horror" movie. It is never scary or in any way interesting. Lourdes is a Latina woman working at a French restaurant and hoping to earn enough money to pay for her son's unexplained operation. She is shown mopping the floors and setting tables at the fancy eatery. Along the way, we get flashbacks of her boy and the occasional appearance of ghostly figures. Marta Milans is Lourdes, and she is a competent actress working with a sub-par script. The production values are good and New York is used well as the setting for the story. Unfortunately, the film just drags on and on, and a somewhat decent ending is the only reason for a 3/ 10.