R | 05 February 2010 (USA)
Frozen Trailers

When three skiers find themselves stranded on a chair lift at a New England ski resort that has closed for the next week, they are forced to make life or death choices that prove to be more perilous than staying put and freezing to death.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
goibniu001 Two guys and a girl on an abandoned ski-lift. Guys get off ski-lift trying to rescue girl. Guys get eaten by wolves. Girl gets off ski-lift accidentally, and wolves ignore her. Girl heroically climbs (slides) down mountain and is saved. Rubbish.I fell asleep.
james-mcgaha7509 I'm pretty picky with movies and I found this very watchable. I recommend it. The suspense is good- a 'ski-lift' hanger, if you will.
Andariel Halo This was a very odd choice of movie, with a highly specific setting and setup. Basically, three sexy young people get stranded on a ski lift and forgotten, due to a rather admittedly clever sequence of events in which the one operator they beg to let them on tells the next guy to watch out for 3 young people coming down the mountain, only for that other guy to spot 3 completely different people SKIING down the mountain and decide that's them and closes up the operation. That leaves these three stuck up there, with the threat of being stuck there for nearly a week. Right away, the most obvious risk is that of freezing cold. After that comes the risk of random wolves that apparently were not sufficiently scared away from the mountain to meander about. At this point, the stage is set for this to become a puzzle movie. The characters have their bits of backstory and dialogue and interactions but none of that is particularly interesting or important, as the whole of the movie at this point became a puzzle for me. How best to escape this situation?One of the characters thoughtfully throws a wrench into my most obvious initial idea of just jumping off when he hits the ground and we find that the snow isn't nearly as thick or soft as we thought and he ends up breaking his legs rather severely. This also opens up a mini-puzzle for him, in terms of How best to fight off the wolves. Without spoiling the sequence of events and the decisions made by the characters, even after the end of the film I think only about how best to escape the scenario.
Dan Franzen (dfranzen70) What maketh a good horror movie? Find characters with whom your audience can identify (and hopefully root for) and put them in a situation that's plausible yet unique. We've all seen haunted-house movies, or possession movies. And now we have a chilling (HAHA) tale of three friends stranded atop a ski lift with no help in sight.Parker (Emma Bell), Joe (Shawn Ashmore), and Dan (Kevin Zegers) are pals. Dan and Parker are a couple; Joe and Dan are best friends. Joe and Dan do this ski trip every year, and now Dan's girlfriend Parker is along. Tension much? The trio doesn't have money for lift tickets, so their plan – a usual plan for Dan and Joe – is to bribe the person running the lift. $50, $100, it's still cheaper than lift tickets. In the past, this person has been a girl, and Dan and Joe have used their charms with much success. This time, it's a guy, so it's poor Parker who has to use her wiles (and Dan's money) to get them up the mountain. The plan works, and the trio spend the day zipping up and down the mountain on snowboards. Near the end of the day, they decide to make one more run (especially since they've been on bunny slopes, thanks to Parker's inexperience). They manage to get on the lift for the last trip up, but – thanks to a staff miscommunication – the lift is shut down while they're still on their way up. They're stuck in a small chair, many feet above the ground, and it's freezing out.So there's your plausible situation. You can see this happening. The reason they're stuck up there isn't inconceivable. Their zest for another run isn't, either. And how many horror movies are set on a ski slope? Not too many.Survival becomes key. For my money, though, it takes them far too long to realize that help's not on the way. With the temperature plummeting, every minute counts. And once they delay that decision, they become too cold to think clearly. This leads to a series of choices with tragic consequences.I would have liked this movie a bit more if the characters hadn't been, well, jerks. Look, I get that they can't afford the pricey lift tickets, but I'd be more sympathetic if they were trying to get something they really needed, like food. It's skiing (or snowboarding). If they can't afford the activity, they probably shouldn't be doing it. Dan, in particular, comes off as pretentious and condescending and – worse of all – boring. Don't know if I can blame the actor for this entirely, but the performance wasn't one to write home about.The film looks good, with some terrific shots of the mountain, the silent and deserted lift, and the terrifying wolves who linger below. There's plenty of tension. I'm just not sure that the cast was up to the task.Frozen – with no musical interludes – is a mild disappointment.
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