127 Hours
127 Hours
R | 12 November 2010 (USA)
127 Hours Trailers

The true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston's remarkable adventure to save himself after a fallen boulder crashes on his arm and traps him in an isolated canyon in Utah.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
cricketbat 127 Hours is Aron Ralston's amazing story, told beautifully by Danny Boyle. James Franco gives a very believable performance as Ralston and it's hard not to get caught up in it all. This high-quality film is upbeat and uplifting, despite the grim subject matter. Well done, Mr. Boyle.
rickbenyola True story of a hiker that suddenly, unimaginable, faces a horrific situation. Clearly, it would be wrong and unfair to give a rating about an actual re-enacted event. Franco does a great job playing Aaron. However, the reason for a 9 rating, I am disappointed that the writers did not cover the concerns of family, friends, or the employer of Aaron missing for 127 hours. Perhaps the writers intent was to focus on the actual event - not the background of the story. But, I believe the writers could have incorporated a small amount of filming to tell more of the story.Put yourself in Aaron's position. Could you overcome what he did? Until you were in his position, for that long, only then you would discover your unknown capabilities. The reality, I believe most people would not like to sit in a car, chair, or one spot, the amount of time he did, even if you had food and water. So it would be extremely difficult to cope with being stuck in the position Aaron had to endure.
ninasimone2018 This is a well - known story where a superman mentality proved to be super strong in the end. With little medical knowledge he used instincts, logic and his limited equipment to get out of impossible situation and survive. For his independence, self-sufficiency and his ignorance and naiveté he paid a high price. There can never be enough inspirational stories of bravery. I recommend, the movie delivered great acting, cinematography and realism although I had to skip the butchery part.
blumdeluxe Since this movie is based on true events, which went through the media during the time, the plot of it should already be common knowledge even before watching it. A story of human will to survive and severe sacrifices, 127 hours has a lot of potential to tell an extraordinary story.In many points, it achieves this potential in keeping you cautious and giving you an impression how grave it must be to be caught in the middle of such a hopeless scenario. Unfortunately I feel like it gives up on some further potential because the overall tone could be a bit darker. By presenting large shots of the outer valley or detailed descriptions of the main characters dreams, the producers pull you out of this otherwise desperate situation. But exactly this situation is what makes this movie so strong. I would have wished for an attempt to keep you caught there, maybe not referring to his inner state of mind as much as his bare physical presence to really give you an impression of how all hope slowly gets lost in this spot.That would have made the movie terrible in matters of physical pressure, but isn't that what it is in the end: A terrible situation? Nonetheless this is a film worth a watch and it does make you overthink your priorities to a certain amount. But I would have wished for a more adult attempt at the topic.
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