Paranormal Entity
Paranormal Entity
PG | 22 December 2009 (USA)
Paranormal Entity Trailers

Thomas Finley has been arrested for the murder of his nineteen-year old sister, Samantha and fifty-two year old, Edgar Lauren, a Professor and paranormal investigator. Police were called to the scene by Thomas himself in the early hours of the morning, finding him inside with his sister's body cradled in his arms. In his statement given in police custody, Thomas claimed that the victims were attacked by a demonic entity of unknown origin. Days later, he committed suicide. It is the opinion of those closely related to the family that a video found at the scene be shown to the public as a final testament to what actually happened inside the Finley home in those final days.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
JackBurtonsMullet Paranormal Entity is one of those films that you have to really see to believe. Not because it's good, but because it's unbearable. We witness the footage of the Finley family as they deal with paranormal occurrences in their home. The daughter, Samantha, is repeatedly being attacked and raped by the evil spirit that resides in the house. These events lead the family to believe that they're dealing with an Incubus. I will have to say that the idea is pretty cool, but the execution is abysmal. The acting is beyond horrible, especially in the crying scene after Samantha is assaulted in the bathtub. Even with the laughably bad performances, the movie is surprisingly boring. Most of the dialog is exposition. Something happens, we don't see it, but we're told about it in very long and tedious scenes of the characters just sitting around and talking. The ending of the film is predictable and incredibly rushed. This film is the same old garbage you can expect from the Asylum. Try your best to avoid it.
atinder This movie start with Thomas who is document the house, while Samantha Finley ( he sister and their mother Ellen think they have made contact with their deceased father and husband David. Then are series of horrible attacks upon Samantha, they begin to suspect a Demon is Haunting the house.This movie got bit more activity then ( Paranormal Activity) and It's did not take long for think start to happen however those scene did not have the same impact as Paranormal Activity as there was no hint of Back Story at all, It's did not make those scene lit.The acting was descent in this movie and there some really interesting scenes, which could have been much better. This movie is was just way too similar then paranormal activity. I think it was good movie 5 out of 10
Mehmet Fatih Uzuner This may be ironic. But this film is really scary and more realistic than P.A series. First of all acting is very realistic. Really. I watched the movie at midnight. Screams, and was really impressive. maybe you say I watched many horror movies. So what can be excited and scary anymore? I say go and see that film. Acting: 10/10The Effect of Fear: You're gonna need someone to go to the toilet.Sound Effect: There is no music but some interesting sounds. You need to use your headphones to hear that sounds.goose bumps still...
daletheminoltaman Wow they ripped off the plot of paranormal activity so much I am amazed they were not sued! I would guess they got away with it because this "version" is so poorly acted and boring that no one would want to watch it. What a piece of crap movie, super generic and super boring. The acting and effects are terrible. Do not waste your time with this movie. Terrible, just terrible. For those that rated it high, you must have really low standards. How anyone could think this is worth watching is beyond me. Awful, just awful.Paranormal boring. Paranormal poor acting. Paranormal piece o crap. No one should have to suffer through this trash.