A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol
| 28 November 2004 (USA)
A Christmas Carol Trailers

Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Hitchcoc With all the decent versions of "A Christmas Carol" available, why would anyone waste their time on this. Kelsey Grammar is a decent actor with a nice bent for understated comedy. Playing Ebenezer Scrooge just doesn't work. He just never gets into the character, looking dull and unconvincing, and generally uncomfortable. I know it was a made for TV movie, but so was the George C. Scott one. They are on opposite poles. And why didn't he just play the role straight. Why a musical. Several weak and stale songs don't help much. Finally, the supporting cast is made of the miscast. There is no charm, no spark, to this rendition. Drive a sprig of holly through its heart.
yellofeath73 I cannot believe I have never seen this, but I am certain I have just found my new favorite version of 'A Christmas Carol'. There were a few scenes/numbers that started off with some question, but they were pulled together to make sense and beauty and fun. Kelsey Grammar was an amazing choice for the role of Scrooge. He was meant to play that part. My biggest hesitation was with the choice of Jason Alexander as Marley, however after a few chords he pulled me in with his usual charisma (and I had no idea he could even sing!) This is not serious and droning for those of you traditionalists with no imagination, but for everyone with an open mind who loves a good Dickens adaptation, this is it! Fabulous and full of fun from many of our favorite screen stars!
slasheuse With music from the composer of Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin, it's not hard to see why this striking reworking of the classic is such a success. I can't over-emphasise how great the music in this film is; strong, dependable themes with some of the best lyrics I've ever heard in a musical.Visually, some of the filmmakers' decisions are very bold (the costumes of the Ghost of Christmas Past and the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come), but it's important to remember that most of what we think of as "normal" for the ghosts' costumes in musical versions of the novel have NOTHING to do with Dickens' version anyway. In the actual book, the first Ghost is an old man; usually on film it's played as a child and Jane Krakowski's version is a fully-grown woman. In fact, this adaptation is actually MUCH closer to the book than the better-known film versions; the two children Ignorance and Want are included, and the book's religious (don't worry, it's not too heavy) and social messages are brought to the fore. The reworking of Scrooge's early life surprised me a bit, but it was very plausibly done, presumably to reflect Charles Dickens's own early experiences. Jennifer Love Hewitt is unexpectedly brilliant as Emily (though I don't get why they changed her name).And... I was holding my breath, preparing to be appalled by the accents, but Grammar is fine. His wig is awful, but he's pretty good, and sings well. Most of the accents are brilliant, and there are lots of strong British ensemble stars such as Ruthie Henshall. The music is fab. My mum bought this for me as a possibly-ironic Christmas present, and our whole family loved it. Give it a try!
sunny lovett (dwtaxi) I have seen quite a few versions of A Christmas Carol in my time and this is without a doubt the worst adaption of Charles Dickens greatest work ever made. Poor casting, bad acting, uninspired and prolonged dance scenes, scatty songs which certainly do not stir the heart and a rather over the top approach whenever they feel the need to depart from the original script. The film appears to have been a deliberate and disastrously failed attempt at humour, at least one hopes so as that is the only thing that could excuse casting Kelsey Grammar as Scrooge. He does not pass muster as a dramatic actor. Do not waste your time with this musical, it isn't worth it.If you want to see a truly inspired adaption you can't go past Scrooge (1951), which after fifty years still remains superb. If you want to see the truest version of the story then George C. Scott's 1984 portrayal is best. If you want something a little lighter to show the children, then The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) is another excellent adaption with some wonderful songs. If you want a cartoon then the 1971 version with Scrooge's Alastair Sim reprising his role.I would advise sticking to Scrooge though and maybe the Muppet's on a back shelf. Grammar's 'Carol is simply is terrible.