Marvel One-Shot: Item 47
Marvel One-Shot: Item 47
PG | 29 August 2012 (USA)
Marvel One-Shot: Item 47 Trailers

Benny and Claire, a down-on-their-luck couple, find a discarded Chitauri weapon referred to as 'Item 47'.

Alicia I love this movie so much
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Wordiezett So much average
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
mihai_chindris Saw it. Liked it. So, this short got everything you can think of - effects, characters, action + charisma. The intro was quite lame, but then things started to fire up. It was pretty good. Plus, the final replica is quite funny. I let you find which it is. :)
jhudson1725 This quick clip after the Avengers is actually kind of interesting. It is short so not a lot of stuff is happening but it actually is when you think about it.The new characters in Claire, Ben and Agent Blake are interesting enough but I am glad the Sitwell was able to sort of prove that he is a capable physical agent.Lizzy Caplan and Titus Welliver are a joy on any screen and they hope they can make an appearance.What really makes this interesting to me is that there are people in the world, using alien technology for their own benefit. This is most likely happening a lot around the world and due to this, Damage Control , an entity created to literally clean up messes, can be introduced.+ Caplan and Welliver + Sitwell does more + People get alien technology could be a problem in the future + Damage Control? - Not long enough7.8/10
Neil Welch Item 47 is a ten minute short from Marvel Films bundled with the Blu-ray of the Avengers movie. It tells of a couple (Claire, played by Lizzie Caplan, and Ben, played by Jesse Bradford) who recover a Chitauri weapon after the New York battle which closed the Avengers movie, manage to reactivate it, and then use it to commit bank robberies.Ten minutes proves quite enough to set up the situation, provide some development (with decent effects) and a good payoff. This is not a major piece of work, but it is a decent little addition to the Avengers movie mythology. It would not surprise me at all to see Claire and Ben pop up in subsequent Marvel universe movies.
Michiel Bijl This is a nice bonus to the film The Avengers (2012). It shows a couple—Claire and Benny— robbing banks with a piece of alien technology that they've recovered from the NewYork battle site. Eventually we see them in a motel room with a load of money. Their neighbor stars playing music really loud. Benny goes out to investigate, but doesn't return…I actually thought it was a preview for a new Marvel film and got quite excited by the idea. My hopes were shot down when I found it was just a short video. Alas, there's nothing else to do than wait for The Avengers 2.It has some clever moments and is really worth a viewing.