Dr. No
Dr. No
PG | 08 May 1963 (USA)
Dr. No Trailers

Agent 007 battles mysterious Dr. No, a scientific genius bent on destroying the U.S. space program. As the countdown to disaster begins, Bond must go to Jamaica, where he encounters beautiful Honey Ryder, to confront a megalomaniacal villain in his massive island headquarters.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
morganstephens512 I thought it was a pretty decent film. Although if I din't know James Bond was a mega franchise, I would have never expected that sort of film to be the start to something this big. I find it odd the credits were only like ten seconds at the end. Sean Connery gave off a pretty good performance, although I guess that is not his best film. The first ten minutes really confused me but after that I sort of started to understand what was happening and I was able to enjoy it after that point. My favorite part of the film was the part when it was showing the spider crawling up his body and he was just laying there is stillness waiting for it to get off him before he reacted. I was also surprised it took 50 minutes for the love interest to show up. I would she would have been in the first twenty minutes. Although I did role my eyes at the black guy dying when nobody else did. Or the villain only being in the last fifteen minutes. Overall, I would say a 8.5/10. It kept me entertained and that was what is important for movies of that type.
Prichards12345 Having just 1-starred that terrible latest Bond movie SPECTRE (0/2 approval - thanks fanboys), I thought I'd do some more reviews of the Bond series. Doctor No, if I remember rightly, is the sixth Bond novel - I have read them all but it was some time ago. It's easy to see why the producers chose this one first: exotic locations, interesting mystery story, good characters. This is a nice intro for peeps unfamiliar with Bond.This is a film full of iconic moments. "Bond...James Bond" to name but one. Connery's magnetic animal charm in this role made him into one of the biggest superstars in post WWII movies. And the guy can act, too. Daniel Craig is great in his first three outings, Moore a laugh, Dalton decent, Lazenby er.... Brosnan wooden; but none of them matched ol' Sean for me. His Bond is pretty different from the character in the books, but god is he good! In this one of course Bond is sent to Jamaica to investigate the toppling of American missiles ( a bit like North Korea's today!).For a film not far off its sixtieth year, it holds up remarkably well. That moment when Bond offs Anthony Dawson's character Strangways is still startlingly ruthless even today. A really enjoyable ride, then, with it's legendary theme music still one of the most recognisable in cinema. Only the villain disappoints. Fleming apparently recommended his cousin, Christopher Lee for the role. At least he got his chance later!
Kingslaay Dr No was the first (Eon Production) film adaptation of Ian Fleming's James Bond in 1962. It showcased the great 007 investigating the disappearance of a fellow agent. Dr No is great in introducing the key elements that would characterize a classic Bond film. From the gun barrel sequence, bond girl, soundtrack, master villain to overcoming great odds. Sean Connery is iconic in his portrayal as 007 and cementing himself as the greatest James Bond. We see the Bond many love, someone who is rugged, resourceful, composed, calm, smooth, ruthless, has human limitations and charm to top it off. The mystery around Dr No adds to the suspense as 007 finally makes his way to the island. A Bond film is also as strong as its villain and plot. Dr No is captivating as a master villain that only Bond can take on to stop his evil plans. Connery's way of dealing with the villain, henchman and chemistry with the Bond girl created the perfect formula for a truly great film. This film is also famous for showing the first great entrance of the Bond girl, Ursula Andress, turn heads of many including Bond himself. The Bond girl is a key part of the franchise and in many ways she is Bond's equal. Films over time have noted that the Bond girl is 007's weakness. When Bond manages to defeat the great Dr No, rescue the mission and land up with the Bond girl it set the groundwork for many memorable films to follow. The only issue is sometimes the difficulty in understanding the plot as the majority of stories are based on Fleming's own experiences in the Navy and involve complex schemes. Once you understand it, the journey is enjoyable. Dr No was indeed a great start to an iconic film series that continues to entertain.
roddekker Aside from the old "tarantula-in-the-bed" routine (hastily thrown in for good measure) and the pretty Miss Taro venomously spitting into Bond's face (applause. applause) after spending the previous hour gleefully rolling around in the sack with him - 1962's "Dr. No" contained absolutely no memorable scenes worth ranting and raving about here. (I'm not kidding!) But, with that aside - This film certainly contained lots and lots of major let-downs! Such as - The bikini-clad Ursula Andress (aka. Honey Ryder) emerging out of the sea. I'm sorry, folks, but this was not... I repeat, "THIS WAS NOT" one of the supposedly sexiest moments ever recorded in the history of film. No, it wasn't.In fact, I thought that this seashell-collecting bimbo, with her tiresome angry pout, put in one of the worst "Bond-girl" performances that I've ever seen.And, how about mad scientist, Dr. No, himself? Boy, I'm tellin' ya - This pompous, effeminate, little snot (though a gracious host) made my skin crawl with his insipid presence and his rubber-gloved hands. To me, Dr. No's character was about as menacing as a wet dishrag with his drab and dreary little "evil" plot of absolute domination of the world. (Spare me!) Instead of offering the viewer death-defying excitement, mixed generously with a stylish pizazz - Dr. No's humdrum story just sort of drifted along aimlessly from scene to scene without much drive or momentum..... Anyway - What more can I say?