Predator 2
Predator 2
R | 21 November 1990 (USA)
Predator 2 Trailers

A police chief in the war-torn streets of Los Angeles discovers that an extraterrestrial creature is hunting down residents - and that he is the next target.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
jacksonprice-45501 Predator 2 is an alright movie but comparing it to the original is futile. None of the main cast return and the setting isn't a lush jungle anymore, it is downtown los angeles. But there are some decent set pieces and one in particular where the Predator descends upon a gang is quite good. Ably supported by well known faces like Danny Glover and Bill Paxton Predator 2 is better than a bad movie but not as good as a great one. Still if you have seen the original you can watch this.
Julian R. White Don't get me wrong, I still feel like the first film was the most important to the series, but as someone else said, this one tends to focus more on the Predator rather than those being attacked by him. I will admit it tends to go a bit far with the vulgar humor and language, so much so its like one of those syfy original films where if its disgusting, it gets said by someone at some point. Really isn't needed. Also it has a really neat ending that leaves you feeling like there may be hope for both sides in the future. Overall its a good one, I wouldn't mind seeing it again.
stormhawk2018 Awful sequel to the 1987 classic starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, where this time, the protagonism passes into the hands of the cuttlefish-faced Danny Glover ("The Color Purple", "Lethal Weapon"), in which is undoubtedly one of the worst interpretations of his career. He even moves his "Lethal Weapon" character to this film, a cantankerous cop! And that's not all: Bill Paxton, Arnie's co-star in "Terminator", fills his place in this sequel. That doesn't mean that half a loaf is better than no bread.This rough sequel was made for those who, after seeing the first, imagined what it would be like if Predator climbed an urban bus and the balconies of the flats instead of climbing the jungle palm trees. It was a HUGE success that Arnie decided to star in "Total Recall" instead of starring in this bullshit of movie. The same goes to the director of the first, John McTiernan, who dodged a bullet directing in the same year "The Hunt of the Red October".This sequel honors the saying of "Second parts were never good," and supposed the beginning of the end for the alien character of "Predator", since the poor have not taken advantage of good way in any of the sequels that have been made , They are all a garbage, and when they put it so that it was faced against Alien, already was the height of absurdity.In this returns Kevin Peter Hall from the first one, but newcomers as: Maria Conchita Alonso ("Running Man"), Robert Davi ("Raw Deal", "Licence to Kill"), Gary Busey ("Lethal Weapon") complete the recurring roles.A piece of garbage. To see if they leave in peace the films of Schwarzenegger, and they do not make more sequels shreds of their films nor more remakes, that they are well as they are!!The movie is not that there is much good to say. Bad if, and a lot, although it is so insubstantial and lacking in interest that I do not know if it's worth it to waste time dissecting such a mess, since it is also one of the sequels that piss me off, so I'll say something to Mr. Hopkins , sure you read me.Look Stephen ... Steve ... we know you're mediocre, you just have to see your insufferable "Lost in Space" to realize that you do not have much to offer us, so I do not understand how you embarked on a project like this and you produced such colossal garbage. Can you promise me that you'll continue with your crappy "The Reaping" films and leave our favorite bugs quiet? I hope so, I and many more will thank you.
John austin The producers of Predator 2 went out of their way to produce a sequel that would be bigger, louder & even more egregiously violent than the original Predator, and they largely succeeded, especially on that last point.This one takes places on the chaotic streets of Los Angeles in the midst of a violent drug war between Mexican drug gangs and the Jamaican Voodoo Posse with another alien predator stalking for human trophies. Danny Glover is a veteran cop who chases down the predator and gets crossed with Gary Busey who plays a government agent who's following the predator for his own purposes. Busey had not yet gone mad at this point and was doing a real good job in these starched up villain roles, like this movie & Lethal Weapon.Good cast, good script and good production makes this a much better than average sequel and a film that's far better than the other predator and AVP sequels that followed. If you liked the first one, you'll like this one as well, and you won't even miss Arnold.