R | 03 October 1985 (USA)
Commando Trailers

John Matrix, the former leader of a special commando strike force that always got the toughest jobs done, is forced back into action when his young daughter is kidnapped. To find her, Matrix has to fight his way through an array of punks, killers, one of his former commandos, and a fully equipped private army. With the help of a feisty stewardess and an old friend, Matrix has only a few hours to overcome his greatest challenge: finding his daughter before she's killed.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
tuksakat My favorite all-time hardcore action movie! I watched it many many times by myself and with friends. Arnold was at his prime in this movie. The weapons he uses are amazing to see, like rocket launcher, cold weapons, etc.The characters are great, too. They each have a personality which is rare for an action movie. The villains are memorable, too. Lots of classic quotes are said in this movie by Arnold that have become classic! Love it!
atlasmb When Arnold Schwarzenegger first said he wanted to be an actor and had plans to become an international superstar, few thought he would find success. His strong accent seemed an unassailable obstacle. But he found roles that fit him and proved his detractors wrong. He played Conan, a barbarian role that did not require modern day English. Then he played the Terminator--an android whose stilted language was custom made for Arnold's talents.In "Commando", he plays John Matrix, an elite ex-commando--originally from Germany--whose talents are desired by evil forces. His speech in this film is still somewhat stilted, but he was on his way to achieving his goals.The plot is classic suspense, complete with a ticking clock countdown that keeps viewers fully engaged in every moment. He has to achieve a nearly impossible task before the clock expires or his daughter will be sacrificed. Alyssa Milano plays the daughter, Jenny, to perfection. And Schwarzenegger convincingly plays the caring father part (compare to Jason Statham in "Homefront").Raw Dawn Chong plays Cindy, a flight attendant who reluctantly becomes involved in Matrix's mission, adding more humor to the story. The film never takes itself too seriously, and includes the casual puns we have come to expect from a Schwarzenegger (or James Bond) film, especially when he dispatches an adversary.Matrix is a physical specimen with unbelievable strength and skills. The director stresses this so that we believe it when Matrix uses his incredible power, as when he lifts an occupied phone booth overhead. This is fun stuff. An invincible hero does the impossible in accomplishing an ethical task. The role was made for Schwarzenegger.
a_chinn I consider this the most Arnold of all Arnold Schwarzenegger action films, meaning it's a wildly cartoony 1980s style action film. However, if you actually take a close look at Arnold's filmography, he really did not make very many of these types of these overblown actions films that Stallone seemed to endlessly make. Arnold was just coming off his massive success with "The Terminator" (this film does have Arnold say "F— you, a—hole." and "I'll be back.") and he no longer had to swing a sword and wear a loincloth to earn his paycheck. In this film he plays John Matrix, a retired special forces commando who's daughter (Alyssa Milano) is kidnapped by South American despot, the great (and badly miscast), Dan Hedaya, so he can blackmail Arnold into working for him. Also working for Hedaya is the terrifically smarmy David Patrick Kelly and Vernon "The Road Warrior" Wells as a former commando buddy of Arnold's who's now changed sides. The film was written by Steven E. de Souza, who's 80s action films were always complete comic book fantasies and never made any attempt at realism. He also was probably the worst offender of cheesy one liners after someone is killed or injured by the film's hero. One line from this film, "Let off some steam." is probably my all-time favorite bad one-liner in an action film. Another action film cliché is mis-matched partners, which in this film is Arnold being helped by airline stewardess Rae Dawn Chong, who actually does a very good job of being funny and charming and more of a real person trapped in an overblown action film. You also get Bill Duke as a thug, and very small early role for Chelsea Field and Bill Paxton. Produced by Joel Silver ("Lethal Weapon," "Die Hard," "The Matrix," etc.), photographed by Matthew F. Leonetti ("Red Heat," "Strange Days," "Dawn of the Dead"), and edited by Mark Goldblatt ("Rambo: First Blood Park II," "The Terminator 1 & 2," "The Last Boy Scout"), this film has quite an action film pedigree that's hard to beat. You also get a classic muscular 80s style score from composer James Horner, who first cut his teeth in the business composing scores for action, horror, and sci-fi films, and later went on to work on more prestige of projects like "Field of Dreams," "Titanic," "Braveheart," "Apollo 13," and "Glory." If I'm not mistaken, I think I've heard this score re-used in a number of Hong Kong action films. I think my main complaint about this film is that director Mark L. Lester does not really bring a lot to the picture. The action is lacking any kind of excitement or suspense. There are some good hand- to-hand fight sequences, but I think that's more to the credit of the fight choreographers than Lester. I will give Lester credit for some ironic laughs, such as Arnold's initial reveal, which is done by a close-up shot of big boots, a close-up of a big chainsaw, a close-up of a big bicep, back to the boots again, and then the other big bicep, and finally Arnold's big head carrying a big log on his shoulder. I was also amused by a charmingly dated pre-cell phone scene where a David Patrick Kelly has to steal a quarter and race to a phone booth to make a call before before Arnold can stop him. Overall, this is a complete cheesy action film, but Arnold is good in the lead and outside of bland direction is a well crafted action film.
stormhawk2018 Arnie's version of Rambo. During the height of the Schwarzenegger/Stallone rivalry, Arnold made Commando, an in your face assault on Rambo. Who is more rip, bigger guns, (both arms and weapons) over the top action, and pure muscle pushes each actor to out do the other, which results in the making of Commando, which is so bad it's good. Cheesy story, with non awarding winning acting is mixed with insane action, muscles, and Dark Humor makes Commando fun to watch. Funny with one liners like " I eat Green Berets for breakfast and I'm hungry" , "He's dead tired", "Let off some steam Bennet" are classics for anyone who has seen Commando. Watch it, live it and love it.10 stars!