Conan the Barbarian
Conan the Barbarian
R | 14 May 1982 (USA)
Conan the Barbarian Trailers

A horde of rampaging warriors massacre the parents of young Conan and enslave the young child for years on The Wheel of Pain. As the sole survivor of the childhood massacre, Conan is released from slavery and taught the ancient arts of fighting. Transforming himself into a killing machine, Conan travels into the wilderness to seek vengeance on Thulsa Doom, the man responsible for killing his family. In the wilderness, Conan takes up with the thieves Valeria and Subotai. The group comes upon King Osric, who wants the trio of warriors to help rescue his daughter who has joined Doom in the hills.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Helio In 1982 I viewed this movie and would have given it a six. It was kind of slow with mediocre acting and grand but bland sets. So I rewatched in 2018 and didn't change my opinion much but I had an appreciation for what a pioneering effort it was in making (non-Superman) comics into movies and launching certain actors to stardom. It was quaint io see Arnold in this novice role and how he matured in later films. I value the historical significance of this endeavour and look forward to the discussed continuance of Mr S in the Conan role.
Bella I enjoyed Conan the Barbarian a lot. This movie is about a barbarian child whose parents were killed by an evil sorcerer. After Conan grows into up a strong and determined man, he sets out to avenge his parents and his tribe.Conan is played by Arnold Schwartzenegger whose appearance and composure is perfect for this role. His character and other supporting characters could have been better developed, but Arnold did play Conan very well for what he had to work with.My favourite part was the music. It brought such life, meaning, and depth to each scene and enhanced the plot. With music, lighting, and great camera angles, the producers set the scene and pull you into the movie. The fighting scenes are performed to excellence.This movie is full of action. The dialogue is entertaining and the costumes are done very well. This movie is not meant to be very realistic as it is a fantasy flick. Many scenes may seem "unbelievable" or "unrealistic". Great film to watch by yourself or with friends. There is tons of vulgarity and violence making this movie unsuitable for children.
mwestphal2 Conan the Barbarian might just be a recipe for the greatest movie ever. Not only does this movie have Arnold in his prime, but it also has James Earl Jones, who might just be one of the greatest actors of all time. The film also has Max Von Sydow, which ends this film's connection to the Exorcist movies (except the scene where Conan has sex a witch and a demon comes out of her), and a whole lot of sex and violence.The musical score is absolutely amazing. Every scene has grand, epic music to go with the lavish production design, which eats up the screen like any good epic film would. This film and Excalibur, which came out a few years before this film, would be in the running for greatest musical score and production design pairing ever.What else can I say, but this movie has everything I could ever want. The movie does feel a little long at parts, but overall I would recommend this film to anyone who takes one look at the cover of the film and has an idea of what to expect, because you're going to get it.
jimbo-53-186511 When his family and tribe are killed by an evil sorcerer named Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones) young Conan is enslaved by this cult and is trained to become a fierce warrior. When Conan is set free as an adult, he seeks revenge against Doom.Conan the barbarian is another film that I seemed to remember as not being too bad when I watched it a number of years ago when I was a child. I decided to watch it again as an adult and can't decide whether it was a bad film when I watched it (and I'd forgot) or that my opinion on it has changed now that I'm an adult...At its heart this is your typical basic revenge film, but in Conan the barbarian the revenge element seems to take a backseat and for the most part the film is chocked full of weirdness - all the sorcery, wizardry and gods knows what else seems to dominate the film. The odd thing is that the sorcery and wizardry nonsense never seemed to have any connection to the revenge element of the story and at times it felt like I was watching two different films (sadly neither of which was particularly entertaining). For me, the whole film was a bit too whacked out and weird (and sadly not in an enjoyable way). It just felt weird for the sake of being weird in my opinion.Aside from the above other issues with the film are that it is dull and overlong and with next to no character development, little action, and several nonsensical plot elements this is not an easy film to sit through during its 2 hour running time. The voice-over narrative is terrible, rather cheesy and also didn't feel entirely necessary.As far as the performances go then they are pretty much as bad as you'd expect with only James Earl Jones giving a fairly credible performance. Schwarzenegger isn't the greatest of actors and this is something that filmmakers started to learn in his later career; I think that's why a lot of his characters in later films were played in a more tongue-in-cheek fun way as it helped to distract from his weak acting. In Conan the barbarian, the tone is quite dark and the feel is mostly serious and this exposes Arnie's weaknesses as an actor all the more. Like I say, this is something that filmmakers would improve upon with Arnie in time and by the late 80's they'd pretty much perfected the formula.Conan the barbarian is nowhere near as good as I remember it to be and my view on it today is that it's a dull, nonsensical and rather uninteresting affair from start to finish. Had it played out as a more straight-forward revenge film and had it been a bit more fun then I think it would have been far more enjoyable.