Nick of Time
Nick of Time
R | 22 November 1995 (USA)
Nick of Time Trailers

An ordinary man is suddenly forced into a plot to kill a politician in exchange for his kidnapped daughter's freedom.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Smoreni Zmaj Since there are Depp and Walken in leading roles I must say that I expected more from this movie. But it's ok. Slightly above mediocre.7/10
LeonLouisRicci Shortly after this Box Office and Critical Bomb, once Acclaimed Director John Badham Migrated to TV and has been there ever since Doing Episodes of Various Series. Not to Say that this Midland Movie was to Blame but although it does have some Energy and Engaging Scenes, as a Whole the Film Fails on the most Basic Level.Our Old Friend "Suspension of Disbelief" won't cooperate and keeps it from becoming an Involving Thriller. It is just too Contrived and Forced to be much more than a Time Waster and considering Johnny Depp and Christopher Walken manage to bring Their Characters to Life, the Film itself is on Life Support from the Get Go.It's one of those that takes Place in "Real Time" and the Minutes Count Down as the Plot Unfolds as Clocks can be Seen Full Face or in the Periphery in almost Every Scene. But as the Characters Tick-Toc in and out of the Frame the Film becomes a rather Failed Mechanical Exercise. There is one Dream Sequence that Works and the Movie as a Whole isn't awful (thanks mostly to Depp and Walken) it remains a Failed Attempt at Worst and a Mild Entertainment at Best.
Kim Bynem Another "thriller" that offers little suspense.Depp tries to make this work. He can't. Walken barely walks through this, undoubtedly because he knew there was little point after seeing just how poor a job the screenwriter did on this movie. Gloria Reuben and the rest of the cast are wasted, as well. The premise would stretch credulity in the hands of a master director. Badham is NOT that (though he did a decent job with "Point of No Return" in 1993). Save your time and money. Watch the Bridget Fonda flick I just mentioned. Or try "No Way Out" or its predecessor "The Big Clock" if you want something old school. Just don't bother with this.
Frederick Smith Johnny Depp as your average Joe C.P.A.? Naw, say it isn't so. Isn't this the guy who rose to fame with strange robotic blades for fingers, with an eye-patch and catchy phrases, with a reputation for playing the strange and unusual? Well, the role may not be strange or unusual, but the movie certainly is. For one thing, it is extremely rare for a 90 minute movie to actually happen in 90 minutes. But Nick of Time is about the occurrences in Gene Watson's life over a span of 90 minutes.Christopher Walken shines as the SOB cop/assassin who manipulates Depp's character, and Roma Maffia excels as his partner. I think the most interesting aspect of this film is combining two powerful character actors (Depp and Walken) across from each other.The action is fast and non-stop, and the tension builds throughout the film. When Depp finally finds help in the form of Charles S. Dutton, a shoe shine man in the lobby of the Bonaventure, the help comes in the strangest way.Rated R for violence and language, this is a interesting, breakneck paced film that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.