PG-13 | 29 April 1994 (USA)
PCU Trailers

Nervous high school senior Tom Lawrence visits Port Chester University, where he gets a taste of politically correct college life when he's guided by fraternity wild man Droz and his housemates at The Pit. But Droz and his pals have rivals in nasty preppy Rand McPherson and the school's steely president. With their house threatened with expulsion, Droz and company decide to throw a raging party where the various factions will collide.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
BobbyT24 I bought this movie at a discount store for several reasons: 1) The IMDb reviews give it nearly a "7"(???); 2) I LOVE Jeremy Piven, David Spade, Chris Young, et al; 3) I was NOT expecting a high budget, true "Animal House" experience for an indie film; and, 4) I genuinely love college comedies/spoofs if they are done well and have a heart/direction. I should also preface the fact I don't like Hart Bochner as an actor so I went in trying to forget he was behind the lens for this experience.I wanted to love it. I really did. I was NOT expecting Shakespeare or even "SNL" actually. Nothing will touch "Animal House" on the originality scale but I appreciate people trying to put out a quality movie. I love to laugh and enjoy even low-brow humor when done with good intentions by the actors/writer/director. Unfortunately, this movie was neither funny nor inspired. Don't get me wrong, there are some smile-worthy moments - how can you not giggle a little when Jeremy Piven goes into his pre-stardom everyman-speed-riff humor he patented in such later gems as "Serendipity" and "Just Write"? However, this mess of a storyline with every possible college cliché or ridiculous stereotype thrown at you seems like they were straining to come up with valid story points on the fly to complete the project. Seriously, even in a spoof/satire of college life there needs to be at least some resemblance of reality.I won't give any spoilers away, but if you have ever attended any college - from the Ivy League/Cambridge-caliber all the way down to the local community college -, I can honestly say I never, ever saw some of the deliriously brazen disregard for college life or the wonderfully odd, individual students who attend. Even by the lowest standards of any institution in the world, students need to attend a class and maintain a resemblance of a GPA. Honestly, for all the people who watched this movie (and I understand the story was over ONE weekend), were these based on any real students? They all looked and acted like a ridiculous caricature of spoiled rich kids, dopey addicts/activists with no direction and/or frat kids with zero intention on truly attending class and/or receiving any sort of degree. It was simply -- an unmitigated mess.I don't believe it is a total waste of time as, like I stated above, there are a few "smile" moments. That's why I gave it a "2" instead of lower. But as a whole, the story is such an "Animal House" rip-off without being remotely inventive or funny it doesn't bear a comparison in the slightest. Nobody should ever be ashamed of the work they do on a movie unless they "mail it in" (think Bruce Willis lately ;-). I believe the director seemed to have mailed it in. I believe the actors gave their all to a very weak, uninspired, unmemorable script. They all deserved better. So did the viewer. I will be either giving my copy to Goodwill or the trash. Sad... I really wanted to love this one. Maybe next time...
jdernst45 I am a huge fan of both Jeremy Piven and Jon Favreau, so I figured this would be a pretty good movie. And had it been made about five or six years later, it might have been. I myself was too young to be attending college in the 90's, so the whole satire on political correctness wasn't as poignant for me, leaving the movie to stand on the strength of its comedy and acting and whatnot. Having no sentimental value to me, this movie was just horribly outdated and surprisingly poorly acted. I love these types of movies as much as anyone else, but this had some serious cheese factor going on. I found myself laughing more at how corny it was than the intended jokes. It had some funny moments, but they were just too few and far between to overcome the overall lameness of the movie as a whole
grayscaleproductions I haven't written a message like this before. But then again, I've never seen a film like PCU before. After listening to the commentary, it created an even stronger reaction in me, so I just had to write. I suppose the critical mass for me as a viewer was when Hart Bochner noted (and then again later) that he was relieved that the film had finally found "its audience" in the video world; the insinuation being that his film is a good one that didn't hit on the 1st run because it/he wasn't given the right opportunity, the right marketing support, the proper studio backing, bla bla. The fact of the matter is that, for anyone other than a 13 year old boy, this film is painful to watch. It didn't do well theatrically because it sucks. It's like a train wreck, you keep watching because you're curious to see what disaster is going to come up next. It's kitsch, in the worst kind of way: bad acting (poorly directed), bad score (poorly directed), and terrible comedic timing (poorly directed). And so, it's unbearable to listen to Hart in the commentary make excuses for this and that, all the while thinking smugly that he's this "groovy director" who "made the actors feel comfortable." How about make them act! This has got to be Jeremy Piven's worst performance of his life! I once heard Tom Hanks on David Letterman forsake a film he did early in his career, BACHLOR PARTY. Shame on Tom Hanks for that – BACHLOR PARTY is hilarious. (HE KNOWS YOU'RE ALONE I could understand.) But poor Jeremy Piven – this debacle is going to be at the beginning of his long track record forever! He is fantastic in pretty much everything he's done. Somehow Hart managed to get him (and the rest of the cast save Cutter and Spade) to overact so badly only a 13 year old could bear it. Everyone else is tuning in for the same reason they tune into the WB on a Saturday afternoon. This is fine, so long as Hart isn't deluded into thinking he's done a groundbreaking film that speaks to this generation. (I can almost hear Hart now, "But they made me shoot a PG-13 film.") Give me a break. No one asked you to turn a script that I imagine is probably pretty funny, and turn it into a predictable, conventional, sloppy, boring, piece of waste-of-time. Little advice for Hart: stick to acting. You have no right wasting so many resources and cluttering up the universe with another clichéd (ANIMAL HOUSE) rip-off. And if you are able to use some connections or commit some crime passing yourself off as a director again, please don't make it worse by adding a commentary where you flaunt how much you don't know. It's too much to bear. Even for a 13 year old.Sincerely, An unsatisfied audience member.PS - I suspect there is a bump in the video rentals because word got out, like it got to me, that there is this film that is so terrible you have to see it to believe it.
dbogosian A shame this little gem didn't get the broad appeal of other movies that simply copy it or wimp out on the jokes. This is a movie that I can watch every year and always fully enjoy it.The George Clinton song at the end truly rocks and may be the first true foray into GC's funk that most suburban under 21's see and hear. I recommend this movie highly.