Hot Rod
Hot Rod
PG-13 | 03 August 2007 (USA)
Hot Rod Trailers

For Rod Kimble, performing stunts is a way of life, even though he is rather accident-prone. Poor Rod cannot even get any respect from his stepfather, Frank, who beats him up in weekly sparring matches. When Frank falls ill, Rod devises his most outrageous stunt yet to raise money for Frank's operation -- and then Rod will kick Frank's butt.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Jon Butler When I look back on my teens, I'm usually embarrassed by what I used to find funny. Usually it's stupid youtube videos or shows that did not age well. There is one thing from my youth that I still have fond memories of, and that's watching Hot Rod. This movie ages so well, and it's because it doesn't care about being relevant or trendy, it just cares about being stupid and funny, and it's both of those things. While the Lonely Island didn't write it, Akiva still directed a masterpiece, and Andy & Jorma acted so well off each other. I don't normally like Danny McBride but he delivered one of his best performances of his career within this movie. There's so many great jokes and hilarious moments in this movie that I'm sad that people ignore this classic. In summary, Hot Rod is the shizz.
wrighcha The movie "Hot Rod" is a great movie for stupid thrill seekers. The movie depicts a 20 something stunt man who loves what he does and would not give it up for anything. He has a crew of his brother, two friends and his childhood crush he is not over yet. His stunts do not end up well but they do make for great laughs. That's why this movie is a funny action packed movie that you should go see. He gains popularity amongst his town when his step father needs a heart transplant and he decides to raise money for "one big jump". He goes around the town doing birthday parties and stunts to raise money, they all turn out to be total failures but that does not stop Rod from doing everything he can to help his step dad. Although some older people could look at this movie and not see any point in this film but those people don't know true humor. If you really want a good laugh this movie is for you. I have showed this to numerous people and it is all laughs from them. And one of the best parts of this show is that it combines visual comedy and dialogue to form amazing jokes and failures of the team. Andy Samberg portrays Rod Kimble and is genius in acting out his character, all in all the actors really work together. Some people might think that this was a pointless movie because of the stupidity but if you truly appreciate comedy then this is the movie for you. I would give this movie a solid 4 out of 5 stars.
morrison-dylan-fan With a pal about to go and study business at a university,I asked if there was any kind of movie that she was keen on seeing,and got told that she was keen in watching a "Zany Comedy." Looking at lists of Comedy movies from the 2000's,I stumbled on a delightful looking Comedy which has somehow completely passed me by,which led to me jumping on the hot rod.The plot:Lovingly holding onto the photo his late dad took with Evel Knievel, Rod Kimble dreams of following all the tales that his mum tells him about dad,and become a legendary stuntman.Whilst he has big dreams,Kimble suffers one major problem:he is accident prone.Making sure that he is aware of his flaws,Kimble's step-dad Frank Powell beats him up,and tells Kimble that he will never have the guts to beat him in a fight. Returning home after another ill- fated stunt with his friends Rico,Dave,Denise and his half-brother Kevin,Kimble finds out that Powell needs a heart operation which he can't afford. Wanting to keep Powell alive long enough to beat him in a fight, (what heroic motivation!)Kimble decides to raise funds by becoming the ultimate stunt man.View on the film:Washed with a synch score from Yes band member Trevor Rabin and pure Power Pop tracks from Europe,director Akiva Schaffer & cinematographer Andrew Dunn soak the title in an 80's atmosphere, glistening as the sun sets down on Kimble's failed stunts, and lighting each of Kimble's failed set-pieces with bright blues,yellows and green that give the flick a wonderful animated appearance. Jammed from driving off via years in development,the screenplay by Pam Brady sets the film ablaze with an amazingly fresh zest,juiced from hilariously off-beat one-liners rolling with sharply cut aggression.Lining up with the dialogue, Brady rocks Kimble's ambitions with excellent physical Comedy set-pieces,driven from Kimble's near- deadly mishaps to perform successful stunts,and a burning rage to put the old man in his place.Knocking Kimble down with every shot, Ian McShane gives a great barking mad performance as Powell,whilst Bill Hader, Danny McBride and a cute Isla Fisher give energetic turns in pushing Kimble on.Smashing into every wall put in front of him, Andy Samberg gives an excellent performance as Kimble,thanks to Samberg giving Kimble a cape of ow-shucks 80's sense of adventure with a very funny, unhinged anger,as Kimble rides off on the hot rod.
Michael Radny It's fun. Pretty much enough said. It isn't all that clever, but it doesn't need to be. It's just some fun teenage movie. It's crude enough to release the inner kid in us and it's silly enough for us to realize just to take it at face value. Don't be too critical of this film, it is what it is and that's good enough for me. Fun little flick. You've probably seen it before, but sometimes you just can't get enough of these funny films. Don't take it seriously and you will have fun. Good night flick when nothing else is on and a good flick when you just need to wind down.Solid 8/10 for me.