Landmine Goes Click
Landmine Goes Click
| 03 March 2015 (USA)
Landmine Goes Click Trailers

After an American tourist steps on a landmine, he is forced to watch his girlfriend get assaulted.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Pob 75 There is something very wrong with the rating for this (currently over 6/10). The only reason I'm giving this 2/10 is that it is slightly better than some truly unwatchable films I have given 1/10. If I could give this 1.1/10 I would.The story is wafer thin, contrived and poorly written. None of the characters feel real or engaging. The dialogue, performances and plot are annoying.There are some pretty bad films that I enjoy or find something in that I like, but I can find nothing of merit here. I cannot believe the reviews singing its praises are genuine and unbiased.
Bill Jordan Came across this on Amazon Prime, and thought the premise sounded interesting (though I think similar has been done before). It's not a feel-good movie by any stretch, but I thought the performances were excellent and very realistic, given the situations the characters find (or put) themselves in, and the movie was never boring. Certainly not a film for everyone, but for those who don't need upbeat plots with happy endings, it's worth a look.
FlashCallahan Three tourists are crossing the mountains of Georgia. One of them steps on an armed landmine.But that seems nothing compared to the nightmarish happenings that the afternoon will bring on.A local hiking takes advantage of the tourist's disadvantage and brutally abuses and assaults the girl he is with....This film is definitely a film of three separate acts. So much in fact, it could almost be classed as an anthology.First story is about infidelity. Partner finds out that his partner is cheating on him, and sets up the concept of the main narrative. Thinking he has avenged his man hood, he leaves them.The second story could be classed as the consequences of infidelity, the karma sequence of the film. They meet a delusional local who is willing to help, but puts the two of them under great duress in order to do so, In particular, the girl who did the cheating. It's a very dark turn for the film, it's pretty gruesome and unsettling, but it's only to set up the tertiary story.Which is Karma coming around full circle. To give too much of the story away in this part would take away the wrongful gratification the films conclusion provides.It's a solid enough piece, the second part of the film does leave a bit of a nasty aftertaste in your mouth, and kind of hinders the third act, but the whole film in my opinion is about karma.What goes around, comes around.
The Couchpotatoes This is one of those movies where I constantly had mixed feelings about it. Sometimes I thought the movie wasn't going anywhere, plus that the acting is not the greatest but at the end I thought it wasn't a bad movie at all. There were some scenes that were hard to watch. Scenes where I wanted to jump out of my couch and beat the crap out of some characters but when I think about it, it is a good thing that I felt like that because it means that the story got to me. At one point I thought it was never going to end and one character in particular was really annoying me. It's a low budget movie, with no outstanding actors, but the story all fits together at the end. It's about revenge and it gets emotional. Moral of the story, don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you.