Escape from Sobibor
Escape from Sobibor
| 12 April 1987 (USA)
Escape from Sobibor Trailers

The true story of WWII's notorious Sobibor Nazi death camp, where a courageous inmate orchestrates and leads the escape of over 300 prisoners.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
aditc I honestly think that this could have been done much better. The acting was bad in general. Some of the actors chose to portray no emotion, while others played it so over the top that they were unbelievable. The only parts that was really interesting were the interpersonal sections, which were still only about as good as a soap opera. The violence was very TV appropriate, meaning that it was low budget stuff that mostly occurred off screen. The angles were clearly meant to not show the actual violence. The worst they show were the whippings, where all people had their shirts still on, that way the makeup team wouldn't have to make scars. Still, the idea is important. I just wish a lot more time, effort, and production value had gone into this.
bkoganbing The saddest part of Escape From Sobibor is the uniqueness of the story. Sadly enough there were no mass revolts in the concentration camps, people just accepted the cursed fate that brought them to places like Sobibor.Probably a combination of charismatic leadership and just one too many straws that broke backs led to what happened. In Sobibor in East Poland the main leader is played in this film by Alan Arkin in maybe one of the best roles of his career. Who also turned out to be a valuable asset was Rutger Hauer and a group of Russian prisoners housed there who with a bit of military discipline were invaluable as this story is told.The two saddest scenes are what happened to Joanna Pacula's baby whom she was trying to hide. And young Jason Norman when he sees the gas chambers in operation and knows where his family wound up.Escape From Sobibor is definitely not for the squeamish. But films like this should be made and remade and never forgotten.
qormi This film displayed the brutality and heartless cruelty inflicted on the Jews at the hands of the Nazis. It was heartbreaking to watch boxcars delivering unsuspecting victims to the death camps, seeing families separated, not knowing that they would never see each other again. It was shocking to see the random brutality of sadistic Nazi guards beating helpless men and women; even unleashing attack dogs on innocent children. It was shocking to see hundreds of naked men, women, and children lined up and herded into the gas chambers and to hear their screams as they were gassed. Later, the night sky was aglow with the fires of the crematorium and the billowing smoke filled the daytime air. The ordeal of a young woman trying to hide her month-old infant from the demon Nazi overseer as she slaved in the sewing factory is heart wrenching and unforgettable. The scene where a young man breaks down when he is told that his wife and son were killed will leave you traumatized. This was a true story and Arkin, Hauer, and the rest were excellent.
Warge Much film has been done about the holocaust from virtually all angles, and this film fits right in amongst them. Now, I wouldn't say it is the best, not by a long-shot, but it has suspense and more-over and more importantly, a reality background which the film-makers kept close to, backed with closing pictures of the camp today and what happened with some of the survivors. That adds to the value of this film.However, the film is not as good as it could have been unfortunately. I found the acting being less than average at a few points but especially Rutger Hauer do a good job throughout the film. Then we have my pet peeve that everybody speaks English which removes some of the authenticity but its OK. The SFX was less passable, but again, OK. I found a couple of factual errors as well, but nothing that distracted the overall impression.Overall though, I would recommend this to watch as a complement to The Grey Zone. They both show uprisings in camps, but The Grey Zone do it much grittier. Simply put, this is a good movie.