R | 08 May 2009 (USA)
Julia Trailers

An alcoholic becomes involved in a fellow A.A. member's plan to kidnap her young son from the boy's wealthy grandfather.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
AaronLYM I think Tilda Swinton is fabulous in this movie. Her portrayal of Julia is really dramatic and real. During the early stages of the movie, I kind of despised Julia, and found her to be such an unpleasant woman. The way she treats Mitch is truly ungrateful and I think he's wasting his efforts to help her. There are two things which I really liked in this movie. The first thing relates to Julia. Initially, Julia's intention with the kidnapping was purely about the money. She even thought of double crossing Elena. But along the way, I think she found her heart and conscience. The boy helped to change her from a selfish person, to a caring and motherly human being. More importantly, Julia finally cherished life more than what money had to offer. And the second thing I really liked relates to Mitch. Learning from his own past experience, Mitch really cares for Julia and tries to help her in anyway possible. His loyalty as a friend is truly unshakable. Despite all of Julia's heinous acts, he still doesn't give up on her and is willing to overlook her wrongdoings and help her even more. Even towards the end, Mitch still believes that Julia can be a better person and gives her another chance to make things right. I find all this to be really touching. Ultimately, I enjoyed this movie and found it to be a story about soul searching, redemption and friendship.
Rich359 One thing I learned from this film: stay away from AA meetings or alcholics. Sorry, but this is an incredibility stupid and unbelievable film. Everyone associated with AA in the film is really twisted and sick,even the lone person that trys to disuade Julia from kidnapping isn't very forcefull. The crime is taken with as much seriousness as perhaps someone stealing a petty cash account from their job. The film may have worked if it took itself seriously as a character study of how dangerous an unrecovered alcoholic can be, but it elvolves into somekind of chase film that resembles the 1980 "Gloria", with "Gloria" being a far more pausable film. Also, in Gloria, the main character did not set out to commit any crime, the boy was thrust into her life. Oh, did I forget to mention how nicely Mexican people are portrayed in this film, they are either psychoic or ruthless criminals. Hard to believe in 2009, by a politically correct French filmmaker no less, could an entire counrty and people be treated so shabby. The writers and director should be ashamed of themselves.
catsklgd1 Julia is a schizophrenic piece of filmmaking if ever there was one. It can't decide whether or not it's a serious drama or a dark comedy. Only a terrific performance by Tilda Swinton in the lead part and a couple of decent bit part performances by American and foreign actors are all that save this pathetic film from rating just one star instead of the three that I mercifully gave it. In fact, the performance by the actress that played the boy's mother bordered on a caricature. Oh sure, there were some decent scenes, but the time between them was filled with inane dialog and implausible plot faults. There were too many unexplained lapses in continuity, including an absurd sequence of events in the Southern California/Mexican desert. The story is so improbable as to be ridiculous and the script is uneven and fractured. I will admit that the cinematography is decent, as is the editing. But to rate this film any more than three stars would be to offer a disservice to those films that actually "earned" a rating that was higher than that. Except for Ms. Swinton's excellent performance as a disjointed, delusional, dysfunctional alcoholic, Julia was a complete waste of this viewer's time.
dusan-22 Solid movie. First of all, excellent acting of the female lead. I was impressed when read that the actress has never drunk a glass of liquor and we got to say that she was so convincing as alcoholic. Then, the movie itself deserves attention, it has solid dynamic plot and good story. What I don't like about this movie is passive camera that is following the heroine behind every corner through long shots as well as limited interaction with other characters. Also, I believe that ending supposed to be a little bit more sophisticated, refined in a film way. However, I do not agree that is unclear since we know all the time what is Julia's reason for kidnapping: she has no Acapulco or Swiss Bank plans, she does that to change her life. When she figured out that the kidnapped boy have already changed her life pretty much, he becomes more valuable reward.