U Turn
U Turn
R | 03 October 1997 (USA)
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When Bobby's car breaks down in the desert while on the run from some of the bookies who have already taken two of his fingers, he becomes trapped in the nearby small town where the people are stranger than anyone he's encountered. After becoming involved with a young married woman, her husband hires Bobby to kill her. Later, she hires Bobby to kill the husband.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
gavin6942 A young punk drifter (Sean Penn) heading to Vegas to pay off his gambling debt before the Russian mafia kills him, is forced to stop in a Arizona town where everything that can go wrong, does go wrong for him.What the heck is this? We have a decent cast, from Sean Penn to Joaquin Phoenix to Claire Danes (to name a few). A director (Oliver Stone) who is not perfect, but has made generally good films. And yet, this is sort of a mess.Stone lets his artistic creativity go wild, with disastrous results. The camera angles and shots are goofy, and the plot is a bit too weird. While it seems like a metaphor for purgatory (or something like that), it comes out just being something of a poorly-mixed goulash.
Leofwine_draca U TURN has a great premise: a drifter shows up in an out-of-the-way town, only to fall foul of the town's weirdo inhabitants and finding himself caught up in intricate plots between various characters. It's directed by Oliver Stone, a man with a history of making challenging cinema, and it has an ensemble cast of familiar actors. What's to go wrong? The story, as it turns out. U TURN falls down because the storyline is bloated and convoluted in equal measure. It meanders from place to place as the minutes and the hours gradually roll by, and you never get closer to any kind of truth or outcome. Come the umpteenth twist at the climax, you no longer care.The central crux of the film is a love triangle but it takes an age for this to go anywhere - THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE this isn't! Instead it's dragged out long beyond any intrigue or entertainment value it might have had. Much of the film involves quirky run-ins with various off-beat characters, but that doesn't make a film. And this time, Stone's direction feels pretentious and off-putting, like he's trying too hard and going overboard with the stylistics.Cast-wise, the main actors don't fair too well. Sean Penn is as unsympathetic as ever; I don't think I've ever seen him play a genuinely warm character. It doesn't bode well. Jennifer Lopez is youthful and refreshingly free of Hollywood-style cosmetic surgery, but her acting is limited. Nick Nolte just feels like he's trying too hard. The supporting stars are better: Billy Bob Thornton as the unrecognisable garage mechanic (shades of A SIMPLE PLAN's Jacob here), Jon Voight as a hobo, Powers Boothe as the sheriff, Joaquin Phoenix as a thug.In a better film, these characters would light up the screen; here, they seem mired in a bit of a mess and a missed opportunity. With a tightened screenplay and a great deal more focus, U TURN might have turned out halfway decent.
seymourblack-1 "U Turn" is often over the top, surreal and comical and Oliver Stone's style of direction plays along with these qualities perfectly. In everything he does, he favours excess over subtlety and utilises a variety of quick and often disconcerting visual techniques to create the hallucinogenic backdrop against which this twisted drama is played out. A collection of highly eccentric characters and some extraordinary performances from a star-studded cast also adds greatly to the enjoyment of watching this interesting treatment of a standard film noir plot (which bears a strong resemblance to "Red Rock West").Bobby Cooper (Sean Penn)is a drifter who's driving to Las Vegas to pay off some gambling debts when his car's radiator hose blows and he has to make a detour to the town of Superior, Arizona to get a replacement fitted. Whilst his car is being repaired, Bobby goes into the town centre and almost straightaway, meets Grace McKenna (Jennifer Lopez). She's an attractive woman who needs assistance to carry some newly purchased drapes back to her home and Bobby is pleased to help. They start to get friendly and just as Bobby has his arms around her, Grace's husband Jake (Nick Nolte), arrives and punches Bobby to the ground.A little while later, after Bobby's left Grace's house, Jake offers him a significant amount of money to kill his wife because he's tired of her games. Bobby doesn't show any interest in the offer at that time but does later, after he loses all his money in strange circumstances after unintentionally getting caught up in a convenience store robbery. Before Bobby can go ahead with the planned murder, Grace persuades him to kill Jake so that they can steal her husband's money and go away together. They go ahead with their plan but a series of complications follow and eventually lead to a very tense and unpredictable end to the story.Bobby Cooper is a typical noir protagonist who suffers a misfortune that leads to a whole series of other problems, which all inevitably become more serious and dangerous than the last. This ex-tennis player with a gambling problem had already had two fingers cut off by the gangsters to whom he owed money before he arrived in Superior and the bad luck he suffered when his car broke down was exploited by the unscrupulous mechanic at the local garage who kept raising the cost of the job and threatening Bobby in various ways. Bobby's attraction to Grace got him caught up in a web of lust, murder and treachery and random misfortunes led to him losing his money and becoming trapped in this desert town with no means of escape. His awful predicament is then made even worse by his certain knowledge that the gangsters who want their money back know where he is and are coming to get him.Sean Penn is wonderfully intense and conveys his character's sheer desperation with immense power and conviction. There are also, however, very memorable performances by the rest of the cast who all look as if they're having a lot of fun in their roles as some of the most weird and devious people imaginable.Billy Bob Thornton stands out as the malevolent mechanic with a disgusting appearance and Nick Nolte is suitably gruff and repulsive as a man with an appalling past and no morals. Jon Voight makes a big impression as an allegedly blind Vietnam veteran who's a beggar with a penchant for making philosophical pronouncements and Jennifer Lopez is very good as the femme fatale.This neo-noir account of one man's nightmare contains so many elements that are recognisable from other film noirs that it ultimately becomes a glorious pastiche in which its many moments of dark humour act as a marvellous counterpoint to all the evil and violence that are prevalent throughout the whole story.
toll-8 U Turn is a very strange, weird and unusual film. I have recently finished watching it and I am really unsure on what to make of it. Urm, is it good? Not really. Is it bad? Not really. I just don't know what to say about it.The story is about Sean Penn's character, Bobby. He is driving through the desert on route to Vegas to pay off a gambling debt. A debt that has already cost him two fingers. Whilst driving, his radiator hose bursts and the closest place to get it fixed is a little town called Superior. He pulls into a typical looking garage for a deserted town such as this, and is greeted by a fat, hillbilly which is Billy Bob Thornton (who is actually pretty good). Bobby leaves the car in the mechanics hands and heads off to get a drink. Whilst walking through the town he meets Grace (Lopez) and an instant sexual attraction takes place. He ends up helping her put up drapes back at her home but when things heat up her husband (Nolte) arrives home and punches Bobby in the nose. Bobby then leaves the house but is tailed by Jake (J Lo's husband) and is offered money to kill his wife as he can't stand her. Bobby is unsure but when his bag of money is stolen in a grocery shop robbery, he realises he needs the money to pay off his debt or lose more of his fingers. However as he is about to kill her she offers him another proposition, kill her husband and steal his stash of cash he keeps under the floor boards. From here on Bobby must contemplate which route to take. He tries the easy option, to leave the town but the mechanics ridiculous charge for a radiator hose leaves Bobby's beloved Mustang in the mechanic's compound until he pays up. Bobby has no choice, but what will he do to get the money.The story does sound quite intriguing but everything just seems to fall in place far too easily. The characters don't force the plot twists, they just seem to randomly happen and Penn is left turning backwards and forward within this town. We also meet four other characters that seem to have very little to do with the plot other than to show the obscurity of this town. We have a Sheriff (Powers Boothe), a young couple (Claire Danes and Joaquin Phoenix), him always wanting a fight and her willing to run away with any man possible, and we are also given a blind tramp (Jon Voight) with plenty of wisdom to go around. All of these are just potential obstacles or aids and have very little usage. A debt collector comes into town at one point, on a mission to catch Bobby, but within thirty seconds he is arrested. No tension with him then as he is removed far too quickly.We find ourselves re-treading old ground as this film goes on. Each twenty minute segment just seems to repeat itself up until the strange climax. We are just shown how unlucky one man can be, and how strange this little town seems to be.The stars aren't bad with Penn giving a decent performance, I'm sure this wasn't a tough role for him. Lopez is typically her, not great and Nolte is just gruff. The star is perhaps Thornton in his unrecognizable role, it is definitely against type cast and I was fairly impressed with him. The direction isn't bad but the setting is very typical and something we've seen all too often. I was impressed with the editing and felt that there was a trippy feel to the entire film. Several camera movements and points of view shoots were stitched together well and gave a great feel to the movie. That still doesn't make it a good movie though.I was never really engaged with this film. Not once was I hooked and desperate to know what's going to happen next, in fact I didn't really care. The ending was poor and left you with a poor impression of this film. The theme seems to be about being lost and alone and the theme works as the whole way through that was exactly how I felt.2 / 5Tolli More reviews at: www.tolli-movieworld.blogspot.com Follow @Tolli04