The Bunker
The Bunker
| 14 September 2001 (USA)
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In 1944, in the Belgian - German border, seven German soldiers survive an American attack in the front and lock themselves in a bunker to protect the position. Under siege by the enemy and with little ammunition, they decide to explore underground tunnels to seek supplies and find an escape route. While in the tunnel, weird things happen with the group.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
trashgang Controversy, that's what the reviewers made of this movie. And for me I had my doubts what to think about it. There is almost no blood in it or gore. Can't really say that it was a horror flick nor a war flick. It takes place in World War II in Belgium, there are some fight scene's, but due low budget you don't see the enemy. searching for a place to hide they see a bunker. The two men in the bunker are telling them about the stories surrounding the bunker and not to go into some places. Each time you think, well, no we are going to see the monster they go into discussion. Still, it kept me watching wanting to know what really is wrong with the bunker. The plot is for me still not an answer to my questions. It did remind me of Sauna, also one i didn't really understood. So it's time for you to dig yourself into the bunker to see if you get it
Spikeopath We are on the German/Belgian border in 1944 and a group of German soldiers are holed up in a bunker trying to survive. But just as they find a tunnel system underneath the bunker, and the enemies outside are closing in, they suspect that something very sinister is down there with them......One of the most frustrating British films I have watched in a very long time. You see there is a real great movie at its core, one that is desperately trying to get out, but instead of a top notch eerie thriller we get something that looks like a chopped together homage to John Carpenter. Definite shades of Carpenter's chiller, The Fog, and Russell Currie's great and creepy score sounding suspiciously like a reworking of Morricone's scoring for The Thing. The production is not helped by using an array of non German actors for this German soldier based picture. Much as i like Jason Flemying and Christopher Fairbank {my reasons for watching this film}, it's a bit of a stretch to accept them as German soldiers.With a better director than Rob Green at the helm, Clive Dawson's story could have been fully realised as a serious and dramatic horror film. Instead the end product comes off as something that was too big a task to handle, and sadly the nicely tuned atmosphere is lost amongst the insipid and unimaginative cop out that the film invariably is. 3/10
disdressed12 this is the third movie i have sen which attempts to combine war with the genre of horror.the first two,Deathwatch and Below,both released in 2002,succeeded in the attempt.this one,not so tries,i'll give it that,and at times there's a glimmer of something better.but mostly it's just the vague,ultimately unfulfilled really takes a long time for this thing to get going.actually,i'm still waiting on that score.there's little to be had in the way of suspense or even tension.and i also thought there were a few scenes which were disturbing to the point of distaste.the fact the the German soldiers which the movie centres on,mostly spoke English with British accents,didn't bother me too much,but it was hard to take them seriously when they talked about the Americans as enemies,since in reality,the British and Americans were allies.the main characters were all pretty much morally wretched,which is the one good thing about this might not thing that would be a good thing,but they all deserved their fates,and in a way that occurs,was too me at least, deliciously ironic.otherwise,i found myself becoming increasingly distracted by anything else more interesting and had to force myself to try and stay focused on the movie.watchable,if only for the for the strong irony.i don't see myself watching his movie again,at least until enough time has passed that i forget how ungood it was.for me,the bunker is a 5/10,and a weak 5 at that,only because generally i consider anything 4 and under as bad or worse,and this wasn't quite bad,it was just ungood.that's my long winded observation.
eeree3 I thought THE BUNKER was a decent movie but could have been better as one comment pointed out they were German soldiers but all had English accents. I don't think too many German soldiers regarded the Americans as bloody yanks during WW2.Still it had some good parts in it so I gave it a 6 it reminded me of another British film called THE DESCENT which had a bunch of friends going caving in the Appalachian mountains but the movie was shot in england but they still tried to make it seem they were in America and some of the girls in the movie being Americans but their accent kinda gave them away.
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