Night of the Zombies
Night of the Zombies
R | 01 June 1981 (USA)
Night of the Zombies Trailers

Investigators search for soldiers' missing bodies, and hear unbelievable rumors about zombies. Dismissing those rumors they set out to investigate. After two men are found dead, CIA special-agent Nick Monroe is sent to flush out what are suspected to be deserters from the old U.S. Army Chemical Corps unit. Not to be confused with the 1980 Italian film of the same name (in USA).

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Michael_Elliott Night of the Zombies (1981) * (out of 4)Nick Monroe (Jamie Gillis) leads up a team of investigators who are looking for some missing soldiers. They end up finding a group of WWII zombies that were apparently brought back by a deadly gas and soon the team are fighting for their lives.This here was director Joel M. Reed's follow-up to BLOODSUCKING FREAKS and it seems as if the director wanted to get as far away from that film's subject matter as he could. The film shares some similarities with THE FROZEN DEAD but if you're expecting any type of blood, gore, violence or shock matter then you're going to be mighty disappointed. In fact, this falls well below other zombie-war films from this period like SHOCK WAVES and ZOMBIE LAKE but it was still slightly better than Jess Franco's OASIS OF THE ZOMBIES.There are all sorts of problems with this film but it's obvious that they weren't working with too much money. I say this because the zombies don't even turn up until the forty minute mark and when they do show up their make-up is less than stellar. The make-up might have been okay in the early 70s but after the work of Tom Savini and what was being seen in the Italian horror market, what's here is just lame. There's also not any gore to be found and in fact the one major attack sequence happens in a long shot so that you can't see anything! The performances are pretty much what you'd expect and nearly every scene appears to be shot on the same set. The lighting is extremely dark as I'm guessing this was done to hide how cheap everything was. The only thing that keeps NIGHT OF THE ZOMBIES from being a complete bomb is the fact that, somehow, director Reed manages to build up a rather strange atmosphere. Yes, that same low-budget and nasty atmosphere that he brought to BLOODSUCKING FREAKS can also be found here.NIGHT OF THE ZOMBIES has pretty much been forgotten through time, although it never really got a good release anywhere. It's been listed under at least six different titles but without the shock value of Reed's previous film there's really no point in searching it out.
agentkitty4894 Don't even waste your time. It's not worth the effort to even remain conscious during this one. Minimal zombie footage, lousy and painfully annoying characters, terrible/not even amusing acting, lots of random stock footage for some reason. One minute they're off the coast of Europe and the next they're randomly in Africa. As for the plot, I didn't catch one. Something about a crazed, radioactive rat escaping its cage and biting some scientist guy on the neck. Scientist becomes zombie, attacks all the other scientists, whole island suddenly turns into zombies.More people should have died a lot sooner in this one.
eminges The worst part about a film like Night of the Zombies is that it didn't HAVE to be bad. A lot of the pieces are here for an OK little drive-in movie. Somebody got together enough money for exteriors, a trip to Europe, some fair-to-middlin' camerawork - but, boy, nothing but nothing can overcome frighteningly bad dialogue and acting straight out of Hell Itself. You see many references in the user comments about how some so-bad-its-good film really requires being drunk with your buddies to appreciate fully. THIS is the first film I've ever seen that made me want to get comatose drunk AFTER I saw it, to get rid of the unrelenting throbbing PAIN.
Noxin I don't get it. There's no logic what so ever in this movie. Sometimes the zombies are the same kind as in "The night of the living dead", sometimes they behave just like normal people and once they appear as skeletons.The 'hero' of the movie is trapped by zombies claiming they're gonna kill him !CUT! the 'hero' has gotten away. No explanation what so ever on how he did just that. Unbelievable.