Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise
Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise
PG-13 | 10 July 1987 (USA)
Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise Trailers

The members of the Lambda Lambda Lambda fraternity travel to Fort Lauderdale for a fraternity conference. They'll have to beat off the attacks of their rival frat, the Alphas, if they want to maintain their self-respect -- and, of course, if they want to get anywhere with the pretty girls!

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
gwnightscream Robert Carradine, Curtis Armstrong, Timothy Busfield, Larry B. Scott, Courteney Thorne-Smith, Donald Gibb, Bradley Whitford and Anthony Edwards star in this 1987 comedy sequel. This entry has nerds, Lewis (Carradine), Booger (Armstrong), Poindexter (Busfield) and Lamar (Scott) traveling to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for a convention to represent Adams College fraternity, Lambda Lambda Lambda. Whitford (Billy Madison) plays Roger, the Chapter President of the Alpha Beta fraternity who tries to get them expelled by framing them, but underestimates them when they decide to fight back. Smith (Summer School) plays Sunny, a hotel clerk who finds romance with Lewis, Gibb (Bloodsport) returns as Alpha Beta member, Ogre who eventually joins the Nerds and Edwards (Top Gun) also returns briefly as Lewis' pal, Gilbert. I grew up watching this sequel and always enjoyed it almost as much as the original. The cast is great and I recommend this.
Michael Sullivan This was a disappointment compared to the original. Why is it that sequels often try to do similar things, similar plots, similar jokes? Not necessary! A sequel to me must be original to some degree, too. The beginning was promising, the middle part had enormous lengths and very bad scripting and the end was bland. I loved the characters though. Believable like the original. However, Poindexter seemed much too talkative and sometimes even made sense, almost as if Milton Waddams went to a speech-therapist. I did not like the setting at all and the hotel scenes were very far fetched.All in all rather disappointing. Too bad.
Michael_Elliott Revenge of the Nerds II (1987) * 1/2 (out of 4) Poor sequel has the nerds heading to Florida for a fraternity convention but the place is full of jocks who don't want anything to do with the lovable losers. As in the first film, the nerds must try to figure out a way to make those pretty people understand them. Considering how much money the first film made I guess it's a little bit shocking that it took them three years to get a sequel made but after viewing this thing it's obvious they didn't take that much time trying to come up with a good screenplay. With very few exceptions sequels are just the first film slightly altered but what really sinks this one is that we get watered down, PG-13 rated jokes that are just poor copies of great jokes from the first film. I've never fully understood why studios think they need to water down jokes to try and bring in a larger audience. Going by the box office numbers it's clear the PG-13 rating wasn't what the film needed. What it did need was a better screenplay because what we get here is pretty lazy as the majority of the jokes fall flat on their face. The problem with many of them is that the characters here are so poorly written that most of the time we just see them acting over-the-top and this really goes against what their characters were in the first movie. The entire idea of them traveling to Florida for some conference is pretty weak story wise and one must wonder why something better wasn't thought of. Robert Carradine returns as Lewis and while the performance is fine you can't help but notice how hard he's having to work to try and make up for the screenplay. Curtis Armstrong is also back as are a few others from the first film but the screenplay does none of them any favors. Even worse is Donald Gibb who gets nothing to do except making dumb sounds as Orge.
C G Revenge of the Nerds 2: Nerds in Paradise is a horrible sequel. The only redeeming qualities is the sound track featuring Pseudo Echo's cover of "Funky Town", and .38 Special's "Take Me Back To Paradise". And though it was fun and somewhat nostalgic to see our favorite nerds again, the script was just awful, and the plot exceedingly thin.This was clearly made for the sake of making the studio money. I had thought that it was a rushed sequel, as the script was so bad. However, this film was put out three years after the original, allowing for plenty of time for a quality plot and script to be developed. Like its contemporaries such as the Police Academy series, this sequel just lets the audience down and was unfortunately continued after this horrible train wreck.
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