Deadly Prey
Deadly Prey
R | 02 November 1987 (USA)
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A group of sadistic mercenaries led by Col. John Hogan kidnap Michael Danton from his home, and set him loose on the grounds of their secret camp to be used as training for new recruits. Danton has been called the "most perfect killer ever." Now, he'll have to prove it again. This prey has become DEADLY!

MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Frank Markland Ted Prior stars as Mike Danton a Killing machine that is turned loose onto the Southern woods where a group of mercenaries hunt people to train for missions. (Why?) I had actually seen this many years ago, and of course this became a huge you tube sensation and while I laughed heartily and frequently throughout, Ironically I didn't mind the film, like it's not any good, and it features some hysterically bad acting, yet by Grade Z standards this flick wasn't nearly as awful as I was expecting, so what earns this the 2 star mediocrity is due to how surreal it was. Like people bring up how hilarious this is, but I can't get over how the movie literally feels like a fever pitch dream, especially if you remember Troy Donahue and Cameron Mitchell from their heyday. The infamous arm scene, the sequences where trained mercenaries don't spot Prior hiding in a tree 2 feet above them, Prior eating a worm and Prior running in slow motion with a machete and the bizarre atmosphere from what looks like a Georgia wildlife park. The Rambo rip off sequences are really lame, but obviously due to budget and the film looks like it had vision, just no money or production value. Ergo then, the film works if you just go for the laughs, and stay for the weirdness factor. To make matters even more weird, Cameron Mitchell is given lead credit, and is then credited as "Jamie's Father" It truly doesn't get much weirder than this film. In other words, well worth finding on you tube or DVD.* * Out of 4-(Fair)
Snowvember Incredibly low production values, zero quality control, scenes that look like a high school production.It's a shameless Rambo ripoff with an even stupider plot. Random people (I really mean random) are picked off the streets and dropped in the woods, unprepared, unarmed and without any assistance whatsoever. They are then hunted by groups of heavily armed soldiers who outnumber them, are better trained and armed up the wazoo. This is all for training. But what is the point of this training? The civilians are completely helpless and hopeless. It's like shooting ducks in a barrel and calling it "army training."Anyway, things don't go so well for this private army when one duck turned out to be not so helpless after all. He fights them off and so they have to up their game.I don't want to spoil this film but the whole film is in the synopsis on IMDb. There's really nothing left to say.It's really bad. Don't watch this expecting some funny Samurai Cop B-film laughs. I don't know how this film is rated so high. It's Birdemic-levels of crap.
Idiot-Deluxe David Winters Presents..... (don't have high standards...... or even modest expectations)Deadly Prey is a clinic on how not to rip-off other action film's, that are vastly superior in comparison - in every possible way. In this case, David Winters and rest of the clown's behind Deadly Prey are, all to obviously, ripping-off the Rambo franchise, more specifically Rambo: First Blood Pt.1 (in other words the first Rambo film) and it simply doesn't get any worse then this. Just how bad, can a bad movie be. But hey, at least it's "entertainingly bad" and you WILL be laughing heartily at the ridiculous levels of ineptitude that this dreadful, direct-to-video, crap-fest delivers - as it turns out, this is even a worse rip-off then Reb Brown's Strike Commando!Kidnapped and forced to serve as prey, the name of the game: live-fire training of mercenaries and he's their target - but worry not, because this bemulleted bunch of jackass's can't shoot straight to save their lives and they become the prey. Bemulleted you say? That's exactly right, made apparently at the height of mulletdom in 1987, it would appear that over half the cast are sporting mullets, why I've never seen so damn many mullets in a movie; sporting the best/worst one, is the star - Ted Prior. As inept as these would-be mercenaries are, it would seem that -no amount of training- could make soldiers out of them and this movie, Deadly Prey, plays out like a plagiarized 90 minute run-through of movies we've already seen - for the record, this is the most blatant Rambo rip-off that's ever been made. In Deadly Prey you'll see several instances of them copying said film as closely as they could, in their own uninspired, low-budget and amateur way, which is frequently complimented with a lot of over-acting from Ted Prior and several cast members; as I indicated earlier, this bumbling "B" is every bit as much a comedy, as it is an actioner. Case in point, near the end there's actually a scene were Mike Danton a.k.a. fake-Rambo with a peroxide high-lighted mullet, cuts off a guy's arm and then literally starts beating him with it! Comic gold, I love it - and that's just one scene. ..... and if by the end of the movie, you haven't gotten your fill yet, relax, because there's a sequel, it only took 27 years, but... "Deadliest Prey" (such a clever title) is now out there for your viewing pleasure. But that's another story, one of the same I'm sure. The verdict is out. These are some really crappy movies and unless you get off on bad movies, I'd steer clear of Deadly Prey and it's sequel. However, on the other hand, if direct-to-video garbage is very much your thing then I could not recommend it more highly. In that case Deadly Prey is one of the holy grail's.Deadly Prey is as lowly as lowly gets, where talking gas station rental quality here folks. Which now that I've mentioned it, puts an image in my mind, I'm distinctly seeing a regal relic from the past. That of course being, a dust-covered, sun-faded VHS sleeve that's been spotted-up with several crusty rental stickers, that are in the process of peeling off. Sitting by itself, all lonely like, on the bottom shelf of the rental rack, right next to the Twinkies and pork rinds, at some dirty and forgotten gas station, just off a dusty rural road somewhere in Nowheresville USA. An image that hearkens back to the glory days of VHS rentals.So sit back and marvel at: Deadly Prey - the cinematic equivalent of a continuously ongoing train derailment - as it all unfolds before you eyes.And for any viewers out there, I recommend that you watch the movie "Space Mutiny", it's a great example of what you should expect when all the stars are aligned and "David Winters Presents"!
Scott LeBrun Beefcake "actor" Ted Prior (brother of writer & director David A. Prior) stars as Mike Danton, a former Marine, in this B level gem. It's about as far as you can get from high art, with a whole lot of completely inept action sequences and hilariously lame performances. Obviously owing a heavy debt to that familiar old plot of "The Most Dangerous Game", it's also clearly inspired by "First Blood" and its sequels, as well as "Commando".Colonel John Hogan (David Campbell) leads a group of mercenaries. They're hired for a gig by an unscrupulous "businessman" named Michaelson (Troy Donahue). The thing about these guys, though, is that they like to have thorough training sessions before the actual missions. So they abduct guys like Mike, and chase them through the California woods. But they've made an extremely dumb move in selecting Mike this time around, and he's going to give them what-for in a major way.Top billed Cameron Mitchell, who plays a former cop and the father to Mikes' wife Jaimy (Suzanne Tara), is very much just here for his name value. He has little to add to the plot. Instead, the action focuses on the studly Ted P., who for much of the running time darts around in short shorts. Ted may not be Olivier, but his emoting near the end still needs to be seen to be believed. Campbell is amusing as the money hungry villain, as is Fritz Matthews as Lieutenant Thornton, his main henchman."Deadly Prey" can boast a steady supply of violence and a respectably high body count, but it might not be gory enough to suit some tastes.The absolute best moment of this epic occurs between Mike and Thornton. You'll know it when you see it, and may howl with appreciative laughter."Deadly Prey" is deliciously daft nonsense, with an ultra corny theme song to serve as perfect accompaniment.Seven out of 10.