Man of the House
Man of the House
PG-13 | 25 February 2005 (USA)
Man of the House Trailers

Texas Ranger Roland Sharp is assigned to protect the only witnesses to the murder of a key figure in the prosecution of a drug kingpin -- a group of University of Texas cheerleaders. Sharp must now go undercover as an assistant cheerleading coach and move in with the young women.

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Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Johan Dondokambey A light story with a somewhat uncommon basic premise, this movie serves us a decent developed story. The side complications with the daughter is nice because it doesn't take too much duration and serves as a nice ingredient to the mix, although it plays a part on the finale. It's nice to see this type of comedy once in a while. The jokes are average, although I must admit that some are indeed funny even to my self- proclaimed high standard. I personally liked some of the short dialog jokes, like when Sharp answers the man in the pool house when the man says he knows karate. The rest of the practical jokes are frankly not that funny though. The acting is quite decent for me. It's nice to see Tommy Lee Jones can handle being in-frame with younger actresses well. Although she has seen her prime age, adding Anne Archer here is indeed one nice move.
ForVirg OK, maybe it's because I love Tommy Lee Jones. Or because I'm a Texan, with all the attendant deep-seated pride associated with the words "Texas Ranger." Seriously, for a Texan, any movie where the Rangers are out-foxing the FBI is great entertainment.Or maybe it's because I have a brother who went to UT, even though our dad was an Aggie ("what's that spell?")(and though I myself attended an A&M affiliate, Tarleton). Or because I love dry humor. Or even because this film does have a certain "girl power" theme (although it's distinctly Texas 'girl power').Whatever the reason, this movie is so much fun to me. It's not "serious cinema." You won't walk away pondering life or the deeper meaning behind the script. But I think you will walk away grinning if you share any of the reasons I listed above for why I love it.
seveleniumus Because that's what it lacks... Remember all those annoying characters in Friday the 13-th you were happy to see dismembered in all the ways possible? Well they've come back with a vengeance in this movie at it's nothing worse than seeing annoying stereotypical cheerleaders being them-selves and being proud about it without any kind of payoff.If you absolutely have to watch this movie I would recommend putting on Friday the 13-th or Halloween just right after and imagine all those dumb faces on the victims - it works wonders...This movie fails as a comedy in too many departments to even try to mention them all and Tommy Lee Jones is the only redeemable factor in it, but even he can't do much with such a horrible script and supporting actors.NOT RECOMMENDED.
disdressed12 answer-they all move faster than this,this thing is a real coma inducing yawner.the rating is higher than i think it should be(5.3/10).if you're expecting to laugh,you can forget about it.this movie has very little going for it.i can only come up with two is Anne Archer,who is still a stunner at age 57 in 2005,when this movie was released.the other positive is that there were a couple good songs.other than that,it's painful experience and a loss of 100 minutes of life,which will not come back.i didn't think this would be a great movie,but i thought it might be decent.i found it hard to actually finish watching,but i stuck with it.hopefully i can convince others not to waste their precious time.for me, "Man of the House" is a 3/10