A Sound of Thunder
A Sound of Thunder
PG-13 | 02 September 2005 (USA)
A Sound of Thunder Trailers

When a hunter sent back to the prehistoric era runs off the path he must not leave, he causes a chain reaction that alters history in disastrous ways.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Richie-67-485852 The story is excellent and told quite well so you can follow along and let it absorb you as you get into it. Time travel is always a good subject because there is so many unknowns and different ways to travel through time each with different results, explanations and in this movie consequences. The premise is exciting. One little change in the past changes the course of the future. According to this movie, if we don't disturb the past, the right now (as I am writing this) is the reality. Change the past and this posting doesn't exist and even worse, something else exists in this reality we call now. Adding to that is you don't remember what happened if no one corrects the error making it intriguing as time travel can be. Enjoy also so fierce creatures that we simply do not have too much defense against and their will to live at all costs. The premise of time travel presented here is that it is used for entertainment purposes with government supervision. One wonders why it would not be used to update our history books but that is another movie and a different time travel now isn't it? Get a snack ready with a tasty drink and let this be the....
nzpedals I don't understand the vitriolic and negative reviews. Were those people expecting an informative documentary like on Discovery channel? And I don't think Ray Bradbury would be upset at the treatment his short story received. His story was fantasy, well-written and clever, and putting that on the screen would be a challenge. I think the writers, producers, director and actors have done a pretty-good job of it.From memory, Bradbury's story ends when it is discovered that evolution has changed because of a tiny alteration in a time-travel incident. But that would make the movie 37 minutes long, so the modern writers have to find a remedy, and stretch it out to a reasonable length.Ryer (Burns) knows what has to be done and he has to get the inventor of the TAMI machine, Sonia Rand, (Catherine McCormack) to help, but New York is now a jungle and there are hordes of ape-lizards, and ape-bats and nasty eagles too. They have to get to a university with a working particle accelerator. What a challenge, through the flooded subway and always pursued by monsters.Suspend ones reasoning, just take it for a way-out fantasy. And it looks better when watched for a second or third time.The story is good, the characters are well-defined, the acting is good, (especially that of a support character Eccles (William Armstrong) who is absolutely terrified), and there is some memorable dialogue, so I've given it a 7.For once, Catherine McCormack doesn't even get kissed!
FlashCallahan Charles Hatton has made a fortune by founding Time safari, which offers rich 'big game hunters' short time travels to kill dinosaurs just before their natural death. When Travis, a scientist come adventurer, notices the weather and wildlife are not behaving as usual, he consults Dr. Rand, the contractually invisible inventor of the supercomputer which controls the time travel. They soon face 'time waves', each worsening the effects in 2055 of evolutionary distortions, lower lifeforms first. They attempt to identify and rectify the past alteration, but each attempt gets harder in their distorted present.....One that this film has going for it, is the sheer badness of it all, and its obvious that the studio more or less disowned this from the get go, because not many people have heard of it, and you'd be amazed the acting calibre that features in this.The first thing you notice, is just how really awful the special effects are. I know the film is nearly ten years old, but there is absolutely no excuse for a film, pretty major at the time of being green lit, to have such poor special effects.They are so bad, they detract you away from what is going on in the actual narrative. It's as if the studio have released the test screening, because response was so bad, they decided to cut their losses.The script is terrible, McCormack and Burns have a hard time with the script, and Ben Kingsley is credited as Sir in this, so that tells you a lot.It's a shame though, because this film should be more notorious. Here in the UK, it had a really quiet, no advertising DVD release, and has never been screened on TV.A must for all bad movie enthusiasts.
Enrique Sanchez No man is a prophet in his own time or as Jesus himself said "no man is a prophet in his country"...both are parallels of the same thought.How many things do we hear about which when they first came out in the world were first derided, insulted, rejected, vilified or caused ostracism, disgrace or even death, if not of the body but of the soul of a man? I read through many of the reviews of this movie. I have found that a host of individuals have chosen to put the effort of this movie down so that there is not an ounce of redemption for this movie.This is a testament to the intrinsic truth of the first words in this review. I was one of those among the first who rejected this story upon the premise that it was not as beautiful as Bradbury had conceived it. So I did not even bother to give it a chance.Today, after 8 years, I decided to watch it against my own best judgment.What I discovered was a compelling expansion of the original premise of that grand old story which stands as a jewel in Bradbury's crown.Friends, it was not as bad as they say. It was not even a disingenuous copy...it was fine, very fine. Nothing seemed to scream out that the story was not worthy of my time like so many other movies which make me squirm or groan.I enjoyed it, it was well done and might I say, that it turned out rather well considering that the makers of this film were shortchanged along the way, by the powers that grant funding for films to be made.Congratulations to all who worked on this effort. One viewer was enthralled. It was I.Thank you.