R | 28 October 2011 (USA)
Inkubus Trailers

Inkubus tells the story of a skeleton crew working the final shift at a soon to be demolished police station. The night takes a gruesome turn when the demon, Inkubus, calmly walks into the station holding the severed head of a murdered girl. Inkubus toys with the crew, allowing himself to be restrained, and begins to proudly confess to his litany of crimes, some dating back to the Middle Ages. Why? Inkubus has a score to settle with the one detective that almost put him away some thirteen years ago. To their dismay, the cops quickly become pawns in Inkubus' brutal crowning achievement of murder, gore, and mayhem. They ultimately realize it's his world, they only die in it. Written by Anonymous (

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
M MALIK Inkubus 2011 is a independent horror suspense film but all efforts get wasted due to the sudden change of tone in the middle that not only affects the pace but messes up a great film.i saw this film today and i would say its a half good half bad film the direction is fine but i wanted to see more of the character Inkubus & what he is really about as this started with a great narrative structure that kept me hooked for a while as soon as the characters are introduced specially the demon Inkubus,they are all talking and it becomes a sort of dialog oriented the way Inkubus was talking about life,death,magic & why he kills people it could have been a blast of a film if it held down the usual cheap action thriller mode it went into during the second half.Inkubus was interesting character played by Robert Englund here it's kind of a more serious version of real life mythological Incubus.the plot:a demon named Inkubus in form of a man appears at a police station & he explains everything all the cops are in fear as their lives are at risk.the whole cast is a waste,Michelle Ray Smith is a eye candy,Robert Englund who plays the lead bad guy gives a good performance he reminds me of Ben Kingsley somehow his acting is very similar too.the makers really messed up here it was a big opportunity if only the character's back story & script was more build better then instantly just jumping on to killing cops scenes or showing magic tricks to them or usual nonsense Inkubus would have made a average good flick.production values are fine even for a low budget flick sure the project has flaws but hey the dialogs were great.from start & till the interrogation scene it was good but as soon as Inkubus makes himself invisible it went downhill boring & it was a clear sign that the film will fail,i enjoyed this film but in parts.Overall Inkubus 2011 belongs to Robert Englund he nailed the role with his good acting but sadly it is not enough my rating is 3/10.
JoeB131 This movie has almost the awful smell of "Student Film Project" on it, save for the fact that it has people you've heard of actually in it. Such as Joey Fat-one and Robert Englund. (Remember when Bob used to make good horror movies? I do.)The rest of it is lazy horror rote where a strange demonic creature slowly picks off characters you don't care about through the art of bad editing. Englund actually does okay with the material, and I give him credit that now that he's too old to play Freddy anymore, he still takes these roles and does a good job no matter how bad the material is.Joey Fat-one still thinks he's an actor, and all those Robot Chicken Sketches with him seem more sad than funny now.
jtmorehead55 I had been looking forward to this movie sadly for over a year. I am a big fan of Robert Englund. The trailer to the movie looked interesting. Me and my buddy sat down to watch this film together. I was just wondering how the film makers ever thought during production that this was going to be a good end product? The acting (Englund aside) was dreadful. The CGI that was inserted in the film was very bad. The movie seemed to drag on with nothing interesting ever happening. My friend was begging me to turn the movie off, or fast forward to the end. We watched it beginning to end. What a mistake... it was never able to redeem any of its horrible bland qualities.
Kevin G Brooks I hope the people who made this movie someday see this and regret what they did. This movie was terrible. Acting, terrible, every single character played by every single actor. Yes, that means you too Joey Fatone of N sync or whatever it was. It was bad enough for me to sit here in the middle of the night and type this. A copycat of a dozen movies over the years. Yeah plenty of movies do that and plenty of movies do it bad but this is just terrible. I fought to keep awake just to see it get worse and worse. Inkubus, is a man who torments someone who almost caught him 13 years ago? Out of 10,000 this guy is the one you want to pick on? He doesn't even do that well! To the writer/producer find me let's have a drink. Explain yourself.