R | 31 January 2012 (USA)

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An action comedy centered on Blubberella, an overweight half-vampire woman whose footsteps cause explosions and whose dual swords are used against anyone who makes fun of her. She must face an army of undead Nazi soldiers in her valiant struggle against bloodshed and tyranny.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
hjalsayegh Lindsay Hollister is the lead actress playing a half human / half vampire living in 1940 Nazi Germany... in her perfectly normal 2011 apartment with a smartphone, net access, Mac computer and I do know what insert Apple product here... Yes it's that kind of movie. The movie is a shot for shot parody of Blood Rayne 3. I think you can guess what the joke is from that horrendous title.Sadly this movie only works as an inside joke as all the "funny" bits were simply to change one thing from the shot of the original movie. If you don't have that movie memorize or even bothered to see it then you won't get the joke... and see how anti humor it is. Make no mistake. This movie is offensive and the director went that extra mile to humiliate the lead actress for being plus size because.... I don't know maybe he thinks pointing at people that aren't stick figures is funny? It's a shame because she's actually good and totally wasted in this heap of trash. Then you have Willam Belli who is simply FABULOUS! but no, here he is made to act the typical 90's gay friend and then black face... there is an actor with black face in a 2011 movie. I'm serious!This movie was bad, offensive and weird. If you know what you're in for then you'll get a few laughs out of it. Mostly for the wrong reasons but you can still have some stupid fun with it. If on the other hand you are unfamiliar with this director's work or blood rayne then take out your electric fan and will the stench of this heap away. You WILL hate it .
iamcraig An obese half-vampire bisexual living in WWII Nazi Germany with cell-phone service, internet access, a 2001 Apple clamshell iBook and a Segway.Even though the lead actress Lindsay Hollister took pains to try to change the movie title, and she publicized that she only took the part because it was difficult for plus-sized actresses to find roles, she is an utter jewel in this movie with her comic timing.Willam Belli is a stereotype chameleon (swishy queen, blackface mammy, blackface thug, etc.) playing off of Hollister so well, between them they make the movie.The bonus in the movie was Clint Howard as the Josef Mengele analogue. Half playing it straight dramatic and half doing comic Nazi goose steps."Blubberella" is a lot of politically incorrect fun, and you'll get a lot of laughs as long as you know what you're in for.
BRITT PRENTICE This film obviously had a budget. They filmed on location in Croatia, more sets than I can remember, and even paid Ron Howard's creepy bro to be horrible in it- but how does this film get made??? Set in WWII but there are laptops, they have sex with clothes on but it's supposed to be real with orgasm, they are slapping people as a running gag but it was never funny. The editing was so disjointed...or was it the actual plot. And just because you're fat doesn't necessarily mean you are funny. A fat dancing woman isn't always funny either. All these over-the-top characters aren't funny because the actors don't go all the way with them. They don't have the training and confidence so it doesn't fly. And people are drifting in and out of accents so you don't know if it's a gag or if they are just bad. I say it's all bad, an unfunny comedy with a terrible plot, horrid acting and disjointed filmmaking.
dipsy-lee54 Apparently this steaming mound of horse manure was hastily compiled together from some improvised scenes a few people put together whilst working on another rubbish film about Nazis.So imagine the half decent film set unused for the afternoon... the director thinks it's a good idea to make use of it (all the money he's already spent), and make a quick film on the side. He grabs a few of the actors (extras), including the poor girl shamefully cast as 'Blubberella' and so it begins.I can imagine Uwe Boll, the 'director' must of hastily scribbled down his 'script' on the back of some rolling papers. It's quite obvious that he tries to squeeze in everything that will make the uneducated film fans amongst us fall for - vampires, Nazis, zombies, sword fights, explosions etc.. without giving any thought as to how they remain relevant to the story.So I imagine he put all these ideas in a bucket, used the bucket as a toilet and then tried to stitch the elements loosely together to make the snooze inducing script.And so Blubberella ("Half human, half vampire, Mostly dough") is born like a giant fart.. and unfortunately for this already sick planet it shall remain lingering around poisoning the eyes of viewers for years thanks to DVD and Blu-ray and the internet. It's much harder to erase a film from history than it is to make it but I may just spend my life trying to destroy every copy of Blubberella. One day you'll thank me.In a nutshell, this movie stinks.