Max Manus: Man of War
Max Manus: Man of War
| 18 December 2008 (USA)
Max Manus: Man of War Trailers

Max Manus is a Norwegian 2008 biographic war film based on the real events of the life of resistance fighter Max Manus (1914–96), after his contribution in the Winter War against the Soviet Union. The story follows Manus through the outbreak of World War II in Norway until peacetime in 1945.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Michael Radny It's always fun to watch the Nazi's get a headache over their plans being sabotaged, so watching Max Manus: Man Of War should be great; and it is. It's storyline is excellent, easy to watch and a good film to sit back and watch Nazi Germany get their butts kicked. Though parts of the film feel forced with emotion, everything else works out fantastically.Max Manus: Man Of War takes a slightly alternative approach to the World War Two genre, adding Norway into the picture, rebels and the best saboteur in the world. Though you may feel that certain characters are just put in for that sake of it, this film is with out a doubt the best World War Two film of the decade.
Bene Cumb It is always tricky to depict events related to painful periods of history as views of witnesses and historians can be totally discrepant. Resistance movements during occupations are definitely among them: some tend to glorify and enlarge their role, the others see them just as a way to unite people and keep up the spirit, but not an important factor in the logic of events.The focus of depiction - protagonist's hectic thoughts and doubts - is interesting, but not carried out fully (the same applies to man-woman attractions); the film's best moments are thrilling preparations for sabotage acts. As different characters spend unequal time on screen, then different actors can probably not show their skills fully; Aksel Hennie as Max Manus is, of course, great (you are most recommended to see him also in e.g. Headhunters (2011)), so is Ken Duken as Siegfried Fehmer, but all the others are not so catchy. Indeed, in this comparison, the Danish Flammen & Citroen and the Dutch Zwarte Boek dealing with alike topics are more elaborate.Nevertheless, it is a strong film based on real events and characters, and among the best Norwegian films. If you like films about different angles of the World War II, you will be satisfied.
sergepesic I am sure that Hitler didn't expect, that the most Arian of all Arians, Scandinavian people, show much dissent to the Nazi regime. After all in his delusional world of Wagnerian bloody operas mixed in with horrific reality, there was not much room for logic. On the other hand poor Norwegians got saddled with Vidkun Quisling, shameful collaborator, to give the new name to all future traitors. " Max Manus" tells a different story, of proud, patriotic young men with utmost desire to wipe the shame of treachery and fight for their country. The long bloody war will decimate them, and the survivors will slowly continue reliving the horrors. Thankfully, this movie doesn't forget that heroes can suffer too, even more than passive victims.
mongatu I'm not much for reviewing films but since most of the reviews are from Norwegians, I just wanted to add an American's perspective that I thought this film was really excellent in all respects. I fully agree with most of the favorable comments made by the Norwegian reviewers. This was a great heroic true war story, with plenty of action, tension, suspense, romance, great acting, production values, screenplay, cinematography . . . everything just great. The film convincingly made me feel as if I really was transported back to that time and place and the tensions of the circumstances of being in the resistance and living under Nazi occupation.Although I don't think it messed up the story at all, I did wonder whether it was historically accurate to depict the saboteurs using those light colored oars on one of their outings to plant limpet mines and also not having their faces camouflaged because it really made them stand out in the lights at night. I suppose they had to be able to easily blend back into the local civilian scene immediately upon getting back to shore so that may account for the faces, but those light colored oars really looked amateurish. But if it was historically accurate, then fine. I'm just curious about that. Anyway, this is a very minor point that in no way detracts from what was a great movie and very enjoyable and gripping film from start to finish. It's not just for Norwegians. I highly recommend it to any non Norwegian speaker who doesn't mind subtitles.