R | 03 February 2005 (USA)
Slipstream Trailers

A scientist plots a bank robbery based around his newest invention -- a time travel gadget that will send its user 10 minutes into the past. Everything goes according to plan, until he encounters a group of thieves who've planned their heist for the same day.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Micitype Pretty Good
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Jesse Boland They had me at time travel, but they lost me with a terrible story. This 2005 movie is really dated, and not really something that you can enjoy today. I like Vinnie Jones and I think we all like Sean Astin, Ivana Milicevic from Banshee is in there too, and between the three of them you would expect something much better. From the start the story is just a complete mess, and the players are all just running around uncertain of where they should be, there must have been a lot of angles shot for each time loop, but it really seems to have confused most of the actors a lot. The gun play is like an old episode of A-team, as they bullets fly, and only when it is good for the story does anyone ever get hit. Really sorry I missed this one when it came out so that I could now be 9 years older, and have perhaps forgotten most of it, sadly that is not the case for me, and I did not Enjoy this movie at all. I really wanted to like this, and if you asked my Son he would tell you I give time travel movies way more time than they deserve, but because this is so bad, and I'll be more specific; The acting is awful, the time travel is handled floppily, and the action is aimed at those with IQ's in the single digits. So stay far away from this even if you are a time travel junkie like I thought I was until watching this.
Wizard-8 I have to admit that I approached the time travel movie "Slipstream" with some hesitation when I saw that Louis Morneau was involved with the writing of the story. That's because years earlier, Morneau directed the time travel movie "Retroactive", which was next to incomprehensible. Happily, "Slipstream" proved to be a much better movie. The time travelling and the problems that it raises actually makes sense this time around, and it's easy to know what's going on. Also, the story plays out well, keeping up the viewer's interest and never getting boring. Though made on a low budget, there are some striking images and some good effects, though it's painfully obvious that this set-in-the-U.S. movie was shot in another country (South Africa, according to the closing credits.) Other problems include an obnoxious lead performance by Sean Astin, and a number of directorial touches that are way too flashy and pretentious. But if you're patient and can sit through rough patches such as those, you'll probably find this movie passable entertainment.
SlapJackJay OK sorry GU but I don't mean to eat a dead horse or any thing hear because e IMO sure you've all ready my comments already but heres the thing.I still don';t buy it. How did he get the clothes from the pullet and I know it said that sometimes your always take back int IMO the th INS your touching but why wouldn't he take back the poi-lets clothes with him? Im not even really sure what to think so I wintry to see this movie again yesterday also and It didn't end the same but it was still the smear movie you know? I am getting kind of tired of this from Froddop Baggins. OK cause I really expected a better effort from this movie OK Sand this time I think hes gone one notch too far from for froddo baggins. Is there anyway anyone could send me a copy of the movie because I hear in the special featueretes they explain a lot of it with a plot twist,.Okease OK!
Ilya Kutuzov Is there anyone here alive that HAS experienced time-traveling and knows from the experience what it feels like? If no, our discussing the matter is but a mind game. I may be wrong, but the only suspicious thing about this feature is its alleged intention to become a blockbuster (yes, the rotating camera and the slow mo!). Now, i never question the way a movie i like came into being. And i love movies with unexplainable holes, exaggerated gags, unmotivated behavior, unsophisticated dialogs, clicheyed punchlines, clumsy acting, because they are SO funny you can laugh yer ass off! (Of course if you put aside the Humpty Dumpty's posture for the time being - the highbrow attitude is not always a must to make one smile!) Besides, Slipstream has an above average soundtrack. Talking about homaging, ripping and other forms of cross-reference, i saw this movie as Master Samwise's dream he was having with the Ring on (something not shown in the LoTR). Roars of laughter. Though in fact this one could easy be 30% shorter simply for the riddim sake.