Poison Ivy: The New Seduction
Poison Ivy: The New Seduction
R | 20 October 1997 (USA)
Poison Ivy: The New Seduction Trailers

A sinister seductress vows to destroy a suburban family.

Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
nlytnd_1 Needless to say this movie is a masterpiece! Some of the best writing, cinematography and directing I've ever seen. It is unbelievable that Jamie Pressly didn't get nominated for best actress for her amazing performance.... I'm totally blowing smoke up your butt, but holy crap Jamie Pressly is so f__kin hot in this movie! Is there any other reason someone would watch this movie? Like seriously! There are people who actually had expectations other then seeing Jamie Pressly's epic-ally perfect naked body?...what the hell is wrong with you? You obviously had the other Poison Ivy movies to reference...did you think they were going to now all of a sudden pull a good Poison Ivy Sequel out of their arse? The only thing disappointing about this movie is that it wasn't made 5-10+ years sooner pre-internet during my teen years (assuming we had a DeLorean to take Pressly back in time). This movie would have been worn out during all of the Jamie Pressly scenes and this tape would have been issued to all guys reaching puberty. I guess it had a few good years running before the internet started to "cum" on strong! Even though beautiful women are a dime a dozen on the internet these days this movie is surprisingly still relevant.
Paul Andrews Poison Ivy: The New Seduction is set in Los Angeles & starts as a powerful banker named named Ivan Greer (Michael Des Barres) arrives home at his palatial mansion, looking for his wife Catherine (Marete Van Kamp) he finds his young & beautiful housekeeper Rebecca (Athena Massey) having passionate sex with the pool guy. Having an affair with Rebecca himself Ivan is not pleased to find out that she is the local bike & every bloke in the neighbourhood has had a ride, Catherine finds out about the affair & throws Rebecca & her young daughters Violet & Ivy out. Jump forward eleven years & Catherine is dead, Ivan is a single man living with his daughter Joy (Megan Edwards) when a grown up Violet (Jaime Pressly) comes calling looking for her childhood best friend Joy. Admitting she has nowhere else to go Violet is invited to stay at the Greer residence by Joy who is happy to see her again after over a decade but Violet has sinister motives for her sudden reappearance & has revenge on her mind...Directed by Kurt Voss this is the third entry in the Poison Ivy series of films that began with the dull & uneventful erotic thriller Poison Ivy (1992) where a young Drew Barrymore played the manipulative Ivy who is implied to be the sister of Violet although never really mentioned in any significant sense, that was followed by the truly terrible Poison Ivy II (1996) which was more of a moralistic bore than a steamy thriller with the central female character portrayed more as the victim than the evil aggressor & then we come to this, Poison Ivy: The New Seduction which the makers didn't even bother to number & is in fact easily the best of the series to this point by far. Having recently watched the first two I am surprised at how closely this follows the original Poison Ivy plot with some vampish young woman preying upon a rich family, manipulating the weak daughter & seducing the rich father while playing on the death of the mother right down to sleeping in her bed & wearing her clothes. In fact this could be mistaken for a remake rather than sequel that rectifies many of the negatives from the original Poison Ivy like giving it's female villain a motive, like giving the script a little bit of humour & pace, like giving Violet some deliciously deviant, sexy & downright evil sequences unlike the tepid & bland original. From some amusing moments like Violet convincing Joy's best friend they just all had a threesome together which makes her run a mile to Joy walking in on her father Ivan & Violet in the middle of a bondage session with her father handcuffed to the bed & Violet dressed in a hot leather dominatrix outfit. There's some pace about this one as the script keeps moving, the character's are decent with Violet in particular much more of a presence than Ivy was in the original. On the negative side the rushed beginning feels like an afterthought, it's hard to believe that Joy would invite Violet to stay in her house & just suddenly pick up being best friends after eleven years & it's never really made clear why Violet wants to ruin Joy's life so much despite her main gripe being with her father Ivan who she has revenge on anyway although it's not entirely clear what happens to him as he is merely seen sat in a car supposedly having been suffocated by exhaust fumes which is hard to believe & never confirmed one way or the other.Quite well filmed the one aspect of Poison Ivy: The new Seduction that stands out as another huge improvement over the original Poison Ivy is the casting of the lovely Jaime Pressly, man she is really sexy & just plain hot looking in this as opposed to Drew Barrymore who didn't fit the part of manipulative teen temptress that well at all. Her Jaime Pressly radiates sexiness, whatever she wears in any scene she is hot, from the leather dominatrix outfit she wears to the elegant red evening dress to her tight jeans & t-shirt girl next door look whatever she's in Pressly looks fantastic & is gorgeous. An added bonus is that there's lots more nudity than the previous two entries, again Pressly is just hot whether she's wearing something or not, her body is just great & is a real asset to the film as she has several nude scenes to show it off. I wouldn't say Poison Ivy: The New Seduction or Jaime Pressly are particularly erotic in a sensual way but they are hot in a sexy slutty top shelf magazine sort of way that is great to look at & admire if you know what I mean.Although the acting is alright it's the super sexy & hot Jaime Pressly who steals every scene she's in, sh seems to be having great fun playing the lying manipulative best friend home wrecker out for revenge & Pressly just look plain gorgeous in every scene she's in. Acting pro Susan Tyrrell has a small role role as a suspicious housekeeper & has some amusing moments facing off with Pressly as they trade insults & derogatory looks.Poison Ivy: The New Seduction is a massive improvement on the previous two forgettable & bland entries even if it follows the original in plot quite closely, it adds a little motivation & a dark humorous edge as well as the lovely Jaime Pressly who is super hot as Violet. I am not sure there are many more floral female names like Ivy, Lily & Violet with the next & so far final entry Poison Ivy: The Secret Society (2008) using the name Daisy, are there anymore?
guilfisher-1 Believe me, I'm not a Jamie Pressly fan and this movie convinces me she's just a stripper in a B movie, although I agree with another critic that it's a Z movie. What a waste. Script was soooo dumb, I almost threw up. Direction was terrible. Casting even worse. Megan Edwards, not very bright, doesn't know what's going on around her and spends the last 20 minutes of the movie walking around in slow motion. Maybe that's where her head was most of the time. I burst out laughing when she suddenly turns the car around after getting away from our villain, and heads back. Smart. No calling police, nothing but walking around in a dark house, that's right lights went out and phone didn't work. Surprise, surprise. It was the slow motion that got me. She moved like in a trance with no expression on her face. Please Kurt Voss, director, teach her how to act. Then there's the father, played on one level by Michael Des Burres, who also succumbs to the tramp even though he didn't want to. Please, she's not that attractive. Overly made up, with too much lip gloss, and obvious acting, I felt she was the worst in the picture and believe me the others were bad.Anyway the father ends up in a garage with the car running while our little girl, Megan, is wandering around the house looking for everybody. You never know if she ever got to her father. In the end she just leaves the house. Another stupid move on the writer's part, Karen Kelly. There's Greg Vaughan as the boy friend who isn't too swift. Sort of just let's himself be done in. The only redeemable character is the housekeeper, played by Susan Tyrell. At least she had doubts about our little Jamie. Unfortunately she wasn't smart enough to know better.This is among the worse films ever. And I've seen a lot of bad films. How do they get produced? At least the first POISON IVY had the presence of Drew Barrymore and Sara Gilbert in the roles. Don't waste your time or money on this.
Rick Blaine Why oh why did our late movie channel decide to show this piece of trash after the closing ceremonies in Torino? This is soft core schlock - with all the attributes associated with this type of trash. It's simply an excuse for husky Pressly to show off her nipples and moan a lot on screen - roughly the entire gamut of her acting chops.If that isn't bad enough, count on a soundtrack meant to function as a kind of virtual lobotomy - you know, the typical sleaze movie muzak. As if 'who cares' - because nothing counts but the amount of skin and 'supposedly' sexy scenes.The screenplay and the acting through and through will drive you up the wall too. Is Pressly sexy to look at? Maybe - if Sylvester Stallone biceps on a girl curl your toes and if really dumb dialog like Sly's trademarked for is what you regard as 'Shakespeare'. 'Stupid' isn't strong enough a word for this turkey.Which just about proves the old theory - namely that anyone who goes to Playboy Mansion West does so as a last resort. There are those who are truly elegant and beautiful - they go to Eileen Ford; there are those who have real talent - they go to Actors Studio and then to Broadway and Hollywood; and then there are those who are neither of the above, and they go to Hef.Staring at a stilleben of a raw steak is more stimulating in all possible ways - and will leave you feeling better afterwards to boot.