Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
R | 12 January 1990 (USA)
Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III Trailers

Two college students driving coast to coast are lured off the main highway and onto a deserted Texas road. Here they are stalked by the menacing Leatherface and his demented family...a bizarre cannibalistic clan with blood on their hands and a feast on their minds. The students’ only chance for escape is a survivalist with enough firepower to blast Leatherface and the rest of the grisly predators to hell. A depraved shocker of intense terror from the gruesome beginning to the bloody finish.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Anonymous Andy (Minus_The_Beer) There was a little buzz left in the saw by the time New Line Cinema scooped up the rights to the third "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" flick, dubbed "Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III". In an attempt to spin the slow-moving property into a more efficient money-making tent-pole horror franchise (ala the "Elm Street" films) New Line eschewed most of the plot-points introduced by Tobe Hooper's zany sequel and shifted tones once again. This time around with Jeff Burr at the chopping block, an attempt to make a more streamlined and easier to swallow (and sell) sequel was mounted, if not entirely successfully.The main beef of the plot is admittedly a bit lean. A feuding couple on a road trip (the formidable and lovely Kate Hodge alongside '80s horror victim de jour William Butler) find themselves taking a detour to visit good ol' boy Leatherface (R.A. Mihailoff) and his new clan of cannibalistic weirdos (lead by Joe Unger and a fresh- faced Viggo Mortensen). Predictable shenanigans ensue, until another stranded motorist (the great Ken Foree) intervenes. As you can imagine, the family is tight if not dysfunctional, and their diet subsists of ingredients that would likely make even Paula Deen and Guy Fieri wretch in horror (well, maybe).There's less emphasis on goof and more on gore this time around, and that's not entirely a bad thing; however, the film feels a bit hollow without the dread of the original or the absurdity of the brilliant sequel on hand. Burr, having proved an adequate helmer of sequels with "Stepfather II" gives it his all, but was ultimately undercut by a studio that didn't quite know what it wanted (its troubled production has been well-documented). Having said that, it doesn't mean the film can't be fun when it wants to be. The cast, all around, deliver the goods and keep the pulse pounding. The pace is set just right and Burr does a good job of milking as much atmosphere out of the hot Texas sun as he does the blue hues of midnight. We're also treated to the prototypical late '80s metal soundtrack (Death Angel!) that helps to sum up the era of commercial horror pretty perfectly. This attempt to make "Chainsaw" a digestible franchise is admirable if a bit futile. Best watched on a late night with a few drinks in hand and even fewer cares.
skybrick736 The difference in film making between Part 3 and the first two films is night and day. This really isn't even a direct sequel so to speak because there is no returning characters in the family besides Leatherface and ones that are were previously killed off in previous movies. This makes the timeline and events of the trilogy really puzzling and more or a re-imagining here. There isn't even really a whole lot to actually like about the film in general besides brief moments from Viggo Mortenson and Kate Hodge. I enjoyed the film periodically but I'm sure there's plenty of Texas Chainsaw fans that were pleased with this installment.
callanvass This review is for the Uncut versionA couple on a road trip encounters a psychopathic group that eats human meat. Leatherface is back and dangerous once again. I really can't fathom at all the cracks they had to make a worthy sequel to a great horror movie. I don't consider the original to be a classic, but it's an excellent movie and very instrumental to the horror genre. Tobe screwed up his chance with the awful Texas Chainsaw massacre II. This one isn't quite as bad as TCM II, but that isn't exactly a compliment. They tried one more time with Return of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and that was it as far as the original four are concerned. They rebooted the series in 2003, somewhat efficiently. I did enjoy how this movie virtually ignores Texas Chainsaw Massacre II. This movie lacks suspense in key areas. I didn't feel any terror with the new family, only doldrums. To be perfectly honest, there isn't that much of a difference in the uncut version other than added gore scenes that were cut out. It's also hard to see at times because of how dark some of the scenes are. The gore is OK. We get nails hammered in people's hands, shotgun wounds, shot off ears and fingers. Leatherface cuts up human flesh, and more. I didn't give a damn about anybody in this film, which was a huge hindrance to my enjoyment. Kate Hodge is solid with what she has to do. Too bad I didn't care about her or her plight. She screams well and I do give her credit for becoming entertainingly deranged near the end. Ken Foree is a favorite of mine, but his portrayal of Benny is rather annoying. I got tired of his "Hey! It's me, Benny" "What is wrong with you people" type attitude. R.A. Mihailoff makes for a decent Leatherface, but nothing more. Viggo Mortensen has that Texas charm in spades, but he's not exactly a threatening looking villain. The ending is very anti-climatic, leaving much to be desired. I also had problems with the pacing at timesUncut version or not, this movie isn't that good. It's filled with mediocrity and a lack of overall excitement. I wouldn't call it horrible, but it's definitely a missed opportunity. If you're a big Leatherface fan, go give it a look. I wouldn't rush out of my way4.8/10
vengeance20 ***Contains Spoilers***This is nearly half as bad as the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2! It just doesn't cut it. I mean it was dark & scary at some points but the whole "The Saw Is Family" being engraved on the chainsaw along with spikes & pattern design just makes it a joke & not original. It's not made to be about a killer with Chainsaw with a slogan & design on it! It's suppose to be a random killing machine! It was OK but just wasn't that good of a film. Even if it wasn't continued if it wouldn't bother me it's just how everything gets made into a joke & how the leather face isn't even the original from the very first film.Not very good 2/10
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