The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
R | 22 September 1995 (USA)
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Trailers

When a helpful family invites two lost couples in for a good ol' down-home massacre, the prom night teens find themselves all dressed up... with no place to escape.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
TwistedContent No real spoilers ahead. This is my first review here, on IMDb. This movie can ruin the whole franchise for a lot of people. The 2nd and the 3rd parts were not very good, but watchable. But this? An abomination! Most of the dialogues are just plain bad, characters are bad and just doesn't fit the franchise acting is pretty bad maybe except for McCounaghey, but even he overacted. Leatherface becoming a transsexual or whatever it was? Since when? And that screaming... horrible. And now he's destroying brick chimneys with his chainsaw. Even the Leatherface's hairstyle is horrendous. One of the genre's listed on IMDb for this movie is "comedy". I didn't see any. If there was comedy, it was awful. Story is also a bold "what the f*ck". More importantly - there was no gore! A Texas chain saw massacre movie and no gore. Something doesn't quite go together, does it? What was up with the "don't hit me" scene? It was like a 90yr old woman hitting a mentally retarded kid. Thank god that Kim Henkel understood that he is not a good director and didn't continue to work as a director. Just do yourself a favor and skip this part of the franchise.
skybrick736 After senior prom, four Texan teenagers go out on a road trip, which eventually leads to a car crash in a rural back-road area. It isn't long until they find out they are being toyed with by a degenerate, crazy family with cannibalistic roots and chainsaw wielding tendencies. When first viewing TCM: The Next Generation with no prior knowledge of the film, it's hard to believe how bad the movie would end up being. It's obvious when watching the opening five minutes that the film worked with an extremely low budget for a big-named sequel and a first time director. The film is filled with pointless dialogue and head-scratching scenes that don't belong at any point. There isn't any chainsaw related deaths and very few chainsaw scenes in general. Not to mention, they made Leatherface into an unlikable sissy figure from the traditional menacing maniac that he should be. The film isn't completely trash though because there are a few times that are pretty laughable, and it can be entertaining to watch on the standpoint of it being a really bad movie. If the viewer can get past the terrible acting and writing, then give Next Generation a shot. Especially, if the viewer is a fan of Matthew McConaughey or Renee Zellweger, being Next Generation is one of their first films and they are the stars of the movie. It really isn't necessary to search out this film after watching the original trilogy and looking to move on to the newer modern day Texas Chainsaw films. Yes, Next Generation is that bad
swedzin What a hell? What happened? Is there no way to create something new to a TCM story? Instead, we got young Renne Zellweger and young Matthew McConaughey (yep, even before his funny psycho role of Tip Tucker in Larger than Life 1996). The story hold no originality at all, damn it… it's the same as the third film, only mixed with the irritating insanity of the second one. Matthew's character Vilmer (which Matthew did pretty solid, but, you just can't tell if he is a handsome psycho, or just a psycho…), Renne didn't do much with her character, I bet she was bored during filming. Leatherface was played by Robert Jacks… another tall, large guy who fits good into a leatherface make up and costumes, this time in more… feminine costumes. Nothing is developed again with Leatherface. The film is just insanity, dumb insanity, there are random characters that comes out of nowhere and there is no explanation for them! This family of cannibals, lead by McConaughey, is… noting special, and there's no explanation for them too. Are they just a copycats of original Sawyer family? Are they connected? What, movie? What?! It's just dumb and no explanation! The entire film simply bores you with irritating insanity and the end disappoints you even more. Avoid this!
C.H Newell I won't be overly tough on the film specifically. First, Matthew McConaughey is wild in this film, and that's probably one of the only things I really can credit the film with as a positive. It isn't a great performance, but it's befitting of the material, and aside from his weird leg, the character really fits in with the Sawyer family as a whole. Other than that, the only other things I really enjoyed was the house itself because I found it very creepy, and also a more transvestite-like Leatherface, which was an interesting take.Aside from these few small things, this film was awful. Particularly their attempt to make the Sawyers into some sort of conspirators in a weird project that is supposed to be "spiritual", as the random Agent Rothman tells the surviving girl; this reeked of something half-baked that the writers came up with as an idea they thought was interesting, but only falls flat, as there's too much vagueness surrounding this random Agent Rothman, and what exactly the Sawyers were doing for him. For me, it felt like an infringement of science fiction into what is by all other accounts a pure horror film, and it really, really made it even worse than it was. This gets a 2 out of 10 stars. I don't recommend fans of the Texas Chainsaw franchise watch this if they're looking for a good movie, but as someone who loves the movies, it's worth seeing just to say you've seen all the films.
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