Beauty Shop
Beauty Shop
PG-13 | 02 June 2005 (USA)
Beauty Shop Trailers

Far from Chicago, hairdresser Gina Norris has relocated to Atlanta with her daughter and has quickly established herself as a rare talent in her profession. But after repeatedly butting heads with her shady, over-the-top boss, Jorge, Norris sets out to create her own salon -- even snagging a few of Jorge's employees and clients. Now, Jorge will do anything to shut her down.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) Not giving up is a way to go. Following your dreams will get you there, ever if the road is very bumpy. In "Beauty Shop" Queen Latifah plays Gina Norris, a single mother and profession hair stylist who lives in Atlanta, Georgia because her daughter is going to a prestigious school of music. She leaves the beauty shop in the city because the owner Jorge(Kevin Bacon) is a credit hog, and a jerk. Not only her, but her other friend Lynn(Alicia Silverstone), a shampooer goes along with the ride. With the help of some family and friends, the shop would be a hit. There were some of the people who kinda had issues with Gina having Lynn working with her. Gina just did away with them "birds", and the others didn't say a thing about it. Because they didn't want to do with them either. In that shop everyone had something to say, and was not shy about. Gina had it all, until vandals wrecked the shop. But that didn't stop her one bit. Common grounds made the business strong, and with Gina running the shop, who can stop her? Not even Jorge could throw a monkey-wrench into the plan. All he was left with is shorter hair. Very good movie, sends a powerful message as well. 3.5 out of 5 stars!
mstalltammi This show was horrible... I thought Kevin Bacon, Djimon and Queen Latifah did an OK job. THe plot was weak. ANd Keyshia Knight-Pulliam should have stopped acting after being Rudy from the Cosby Show. Her acting was so bad that it was funny. Alfre Woodard was HORRIBLE with a Capital "H"! Her hairstyles and outfits alone were enough to make you stop the movie. Golden Brooks did the same as she always does in EVERY movie that she plays and she was normal.. Not good but NORMAL! On a scale from 1 to 10 I give it a 3! One point for Kevin Bacon, 1 point for Djimon and the last point for Queen Latifah! It was corny and cheesy and it seems like they were trying to stay within a budget. Alicia Silverstone was funny.. but again, not good but funny!
moviewizguy This movie is a spin-off sequel to Barberer Shop 2: Back in Business. Gina is a hairstylist who opens up a beauty shop full of employees and customers more interested in speaking their minds than getting a cut.Latifah does it again! Her charm lights up the screen. Gina's business starts off bad. Her own shop just looks bad. Luckily, her friends help her clean up the place and that's where she hires employees. She gets one of her white friends in the other shop to help her work there. Some of her black friends comes to help.This is one of those comedies that doesn't uses f-words. The acting from Latifah, Woodard, Silverstone, and Bacon are great. Actually, I've never seen Bacon act like that in his entire film career. It's funny to see that. Bacon's character then gets jealous because Gina is doing much better than he has expected. The jokes are funny in this film.If you just want to see a feel-good film, here it is!
Adrienne85 What a great plot. Woohoo. Latifah gets fired by her wannabe-bad-boss from the beauty shop she was the bomb at, and then decides to open up her own beauty shop. And she has to go through so much hassle. I mean, her husband died and she can't make ends meet. Also, she has to prove that she can DO it. And then there's Alicia Sliverstone making a big scene about being white. This is 2005. Why do they make such a big deal about colors. In 1996 this movie might have been, erm, outrageous. Not.And all the lines were so old. You know what they're gonna say before they've said it. And if you don't, you KNOW you've heard them before. Probably in another Latifah movie. It's not worth it. I laughed when the cars parked outside her shop. That was it.