I Got the Hook-Up
I Got the Hook-Up
R | 27 May 1998 (USA)
I Got the Hook-Up Trailers

Two broke buddies feel lucky when they come upon a truckload of cellular phones and begin selling them out of the back of their van. Trouble arises though, when the phones develop faults. The two friends then not only have to deal with unsatisfied customers but also the FBI.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
jfgibson73 If you were a middle school student when this movie came out, it was probably one of your favorites. Looking back on it now, it doesn't hold up very well, although it is pretty representative of the kinds of movies that were popular at the time.Two street hustlers, Black and Blue, convince a delivery man to leave a shipment of mobile phones with them. They get a friend to help manipulate the phone company so they can activate and sell the phones on the street. Their business gets them in trouble with a rival gangster. I don't actually remember how it all resolves, but I remember thinking that the movie was basically what is known as a "vanity project" centered around Master P. P's movies didn't end up making huge amounts in the theaters, but he could probably still be making them is he wanted to. He was definitely a star and very well known. The humor is pretty crude and offensive with plenty of negative stereotypes, but that is kind of the point. It was made to be exploitive, even if it was black filmmakers exploiting perceptions about their own culture. My opinion was that it was mildly entertaining to watch, and there were even one or two likable characters, but as I said, I don't even remember how it ended. If your are between the ages of 12 and 15, you might still find it hilarious.
revolutioner I kept asking myself, "they actually made a film this bad??!". I didn't laugh one time. The worst acting, the dumbest story, a veritable plethora of ignorance. It appeared that they had no ending for the movie, so one of the main characters mugs for the camera and says "I think somebody just shot me in da ASSSSSSSSS!!! It's like they just ran out of film and said, "Yeah..we'll end it here".
swg2 I thought this movie was damn hilarious. I watched it three times. What was so bad about this movie everyone? It's a comedy so that should immediately puts it into the crap movie category. But I found it extremely funny - something 90% of comedies are not. I suppose you'd rather have a rib splitting time watching "What Women Want" or some other made-for-chicks romantic puke-fest like that. I can't beleive you are talking about acting ability. Master P seemed to me to be pretty much just acting as he might in real life - which is why he is in the movie. I generally think gansta rappers make pretty good actors because they just act themselves. The laugh value in this film came from the homie attitude and dialogue etc. I listen to NWA etc, coz it makes me pee myself laughing; it's pure black comedy (no pun...). It's the same reason the little kiddies listen to Slim Shady. If you are someone who finds this blatant rudism offensive then what the hell are you doing watching this movie. Here's some reasons you may not have enjoyed the movie:1) You are female - sorry; completely incompatible with this harsh form of comedy. 2) You have never listened to any gansta rap - I guess Robbie Williams might be a better actor for you "guys". 3) You listen to gansta rap, but you actually take it seriously - I doubt this is possible. It's all the white boys like me who like that music - we absolutely wet ourselves with laughter. All the real black homies listen to Slow Jams and R and B. (shudder)...So if this is you, you've learnt a lesson. Stay clear of this music or movie style in future and stop whinging.
mattymatt4ever This is one awful, awful comedy and a waste of a fine cast. Just one failed attempt at humor after another, with such crude and flat gags. The film leads nowhere, thinking it can be fueled strictly on laughs. But there's a problem: the laughs don't exist. There was one funny joke and it was given away in the previews. A.J. Johnson says: "Here are the twins, Ug and Lee."Just so I don't sound like a complete sour grape, there is one great scene involving a boatload of topless babes. If you happen to catch this movie on cable, that scene is worth waiting for. But don't waste any money to rent this movie.