Blood Out
Blood Out
R | 26 April 2011 (USA)
Blood Out Trailers

When big city detectives refuse to further investigate his kid brother's gang related murder, small town Sheriff Michael Spencer drops the badge and goes undercover to find his brother's killer and avenge his death.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Diagonaldi Very well executed
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
redflash85 I was pretty disappointed by this move as it had great actor potential (Vinnie Jones, Val Kilmer, Tamer Hassan) but unfortunately the good actors in this movie only play minor roles .. well except Tamer Hassan.This move actually was to short for the plot and therefore rushed from sequence to sequence which made me not care about the characters at all. Also the story is extremely standard and predictable but it even tries to be so much more as it really is which made me really not believe a thing.On the good side are the rare scenes of the above mentioned actors. I especially liked the completely over the top gangster boss Val Kilmer. Also the action scenes are well scripted and fun to watch.For a late night movie with a beer or two it is definitely OK. As long as you do not expect high class entertainment the move is enjoyable .. just don't start thinking about the story.
solidabs If any movie ever made deserves A zero rating, this would be that Movie. Lord have Mercy on the Souls that have Saved us throughout these years.This is the worst movie I have ever EVER seen. I have seen Thousands of movies. The acting in this movie Was so cringing it was horrible. I caught myself With my mouth open just thinking WTF. It was like a mentally handicapped white kid Who wants to be a black gang member Wrote an directed this movie. Lol he goes and gets his whole upper body and arms tatted in a few Hours and then walks around like he's had the tattoos For years lol. This movie should've been a cartoon. It was so unbelievable I wanted to shoot the TV. It was the worst choreographed fighting I Have ever seen. I am not going to tell you to avoid this atrocity. Everyone needs to see this pile of dung. This should be Used in Film Schools all over the World to show student what a worthless horrible movie is. OMG seriously You have got to see this. The only redeeming part of this flick was a couple Hot Girls. Even the love scenes were bad. Lol Don't forget to see this
hannahhill93 After reading through the reviews I was in 2 minds about whether to even bother with this film. However, although I wasn't blown away by this film I wasn't completely bored either. Luke Goss didn't do an awful job at playing a bereaved brother who wanted revenge and his fight scenes were pretty good despite the fact he wasn't particularly muscular. Vinnie Jones is as you would expect, a foul mouthed heartless crook which fitted nicely with the storyline. I was very surprised to see AnnaLynne McCord and again she played her part fairly well. Although 50 Cent seemed to get a lot of trailer screen time you only see him twice in this film.There is nothing new about this film but all in all it isn't an awful action movie.
LeonLouisRicci This is a cheap looking DTV Movie, is that redundant? Not always, but here it is nonetheless, and it reeks of bottom barrel badness. Rapper 50 Cent Produced this thing and he manages to mangle the English Language, swallow His words, and mumble for the complete 30 seconds he is on the Screen. Then has the audacity to put His Name on the Box. Ditto pretty much Val Kilmer, and Vinnie Jones although they don't Mumble they just barely show up.The Colors are washed out and the lighting is awful, the Camera shakes as this announces Action and Excitement. There are many obligatory parades of Babes in varying poses as eye-candy and Gangsta Ho hangers on. The Plot tries to have some Pathos with a Murdered Brother, a White-knight Cop, and a Pregnant Street Gal who must give up "the Life" for her Baby.Nothing here is worth much and it barely reaches the Competency Level and when it does it drops to below standard quickly. Nothing here worth your time unless you must see every Gang-Related Retread made available for a seemingly insatiable Home Video Market.