PG-13 | 04 December 2009 (USA)
Armored Trailers

A crew of officers at an armored transport security firm risk their lives when they embark on the ultimate heist against their own company. Armed with a seemingly fool-proof plan, the men plan on making off with a fortune with harm to none. But when an unexpected witness interferes, the plan quickly unravels and all bets are off.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
lathe-of-heaven Don't get me wrong, I am ALL for suspending disbelief. When EVERYONE else is complaining about how a film isn't 'Believable' or 'Realistic', I am the one usually rolling my eyes and telling these people bloody well to GET A FRIGG'N IMAGINATION!!! However... as one of the previous reviewers already stated in his Summary, the movie is indeed far too unbelievable to be able to involve the audience to any substantial degree. I DID like the set up during the first 30 minutes or so; the character building was done really well. Then, once the 'Action' started, any remote possibility of being drawn into a gripping story was, in my lowly and wretched opinion, quite lost. The technical quality of the film making in and of itself is done quite well though; I felt that the director knew what he was doing in that way.I don't usually like doing this, but: ***SPOILERS AHEAD***Okay, I am NOT the type of person to buy into this, "We are all at the core immoral, selfish animals, given the chance and circumstances, we will ALL (without exception practically) turn Evil if it suits our 'Needs'". Don't believe it, don't like it, don't buy it... PERIOD.Sooooo... the reason that I mention this is because this, to me anyway, is the overriding flaw of this film. It takes the first bloody third of the movie building up the friendship and caring among these people, two of the main principles basically being 'Family', and then on the turn of a mere moment, they casually without ANY hesitation decide to kill the main guy. Just like that. And then, they spend the rest of the film trying to do so. And, if that is not bad enough, then 2 of the other guys who have painstakingly been shown to be close like 'Brothers', when one of them buckles under the pressure, his best 'Friend' kills him with almost no hesitation what so ever. ***END SPOILERS***Just stupid... at least to me anyway. Like I say, the primary point of the WHOLE film, is simply to drive this Darwinian, chaotic Bull$h|t into the audience with the force of a sledgehammer.Sorry, that kind of ham-handed film making just simply isn't for me; it completely destroys any sense of believability at all. Now, if you put these kind of people into more complex circumstances, perhaps, and write a script where these circumstances (maybe even being somewhat far-fetched in themselves) happen in such a way to create an increasingly tense situation where certain characters truly almost seem to be 'FORCED' into some of these kinds of actions, and the audience is GENUINELY made to feel the moral dilemma of the situation, well, then MAYBE you just might be able to pull it off. But, certainly NOT with this kind of stupid, simplistic, and heavy-handed script.So, yeah, it is somewhat entertaining, but just about EVERY other Heist or Crime film is better.Oh, and the guy above who stated that this was the director's BEST film, in between his making 'VACANCY' & 'PREDATORS'... Uh huh... that guy has clearly been smok'n a $h!tload of CRACK with Rob Ford...
Kaywriter1 This movie had a great concept. But in the end, the plot was just dumb. It made no sense. The "good" guy has a change of heart mid-heist because he wants no blood on his hands, only every action he takes causes more blood to be shed. It wasn't realistic. I think given the situation, he would have had to continue with the status quo once in as deep as he was. Why cause all the chaos? I never want to see the good guy get killed, but as I watched this movie, I did. I enjoy a good heist movie, and this one had an all star cast, but all I can wonder is how this ever got funding. It disappoints on every level. The plot has to be well developed, and this one wasn't. Given the main character's financial dilemma, I also think it didn't make sense for him to turn against his partners. It's the kind of movie where a guy like him would go through with it, and perhaps have his conscience nag at him later. Then, some suspense could have been developed in that regard in terms of the other members of the team going to lengths to keep his mouth shut. I really wanted to like this. Instead, I ended up yelling at my TV in anger.
cattrelc Here's the thing. This movie is not great. The character development is lacking and the story is fairly simple. However, I felt that the acting was quite good and the dramatic elements of the plot came through nicely. In an era of special effects in the place of content, this was a refreshing change of pace. There were a lot of things that could have been added that would have made this a much better film but overall I came away with a positive feeling. Giving the characters more depth and more motivation would have been helpful as well as showing us a few more aspects of their lives and what compelled them to come up with their plan. Also, a few of the actors were too young for their roles (they were supposed to be friends with the leads father but were actually his age.) Still, this was a lot better than some of the other drivel that passes for "action/thriller" movies these days.
Kristen Mallard Call me the minority, but I loved this film. All the plot holes aside, I though this was well made, suspenseful and well acted. Columbus Short and Matt Dillion both gave very good performances. Laurnece Fishburne also did a great job. I thought Jean Reno was underused. Some of the characters weren't super well developed, but they were interesting enough. They kept my interest. I thought it mixed action, suspense, and drama together quite well. I also enjoyed the fact that Matt Dillion and the others weren't criminal masterminds. In fact, their plan was pretty flawed, which I thought was realistic and interesting. The endings not totally satisfied, but overall, though not perfect, I thought that this film was fun and very well made. It's no Reservoir Dogs, but it's still exciting. Very bloody for a pg13. A very dark and gritty feel, but for me personally, it was never dull, never stupid, never a waste. I really enjoyed it. You just gotta suspend disbelief with some of the plot holes.