Dudley Do-Right
Dudley Do-Right
PG | 27 August 1999 (USA)
Dudley Do-Right Trailers

Royal Canadian Mountie Dudley Do-right is busy keeping the peace in his small mountain town when his old rival, Snidely Whiplash, comes up with a plot to buy all the property in town, then start a phony gold rush by seeding the river with gold nuggets.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Python Hyena Dudley Do-Right (1999): Dir: Hugh Wilson / Cast: Brendan Fraser, Alfred Molina, Sarah Jessica Parker, Eric Idle, Robert Prosky: From the creators of George of the Jungle and proof that they haven't improved. Brendan Fraser plays Dudley Do-Right, a Royal Canadian Mountie and together with his horse named Horse he will attempt to reclaim the dignity he lost when the evil Whiplash took over the land. Lame and predictable with the same appeal as an episode of Sesame Street. Misfire by director Hugh Wilson who at one time made hilarious comedies such as Police Academy and Blast From the Past, the latter featuring Fraser is a less embarrassing role. Fraser overplays a joke involving falling off a chair. That doesn't help the fact that Do-Right is totally unsympathetic due to his juvenile stupidity. Alfred Molina brings correct humour to the role of Whiplash and becomes the one character of worth here. He basically takes over and Do-Right eventually stops him. Sarah Jessica Parker plays off the humour as the otherwise standard damsel. In a broader role Parker would shine but here the role is a dud playing off every lame cliché within reach and never surfacing as anything she should have been a part of. Eric Idle is wasted as a gold digger who teaches Do-Right the ropes. There is no purpose to this junk other than to resurrect a T.V. cartoon into a poorly contrived crap fest. Score: 1/2 / 10
Wuchak Released in 1999, "Dudley Do-Right" is a live-action version of the 60's cartoon with Brendan Fraser in the title role, Alfred Molina as Snidely Whiplash, Sarah Jessica Parker as Nell and Eric Idle as Dudley's "master." The movie was advertised as "brought to you by the producers of George of the Jungle," which of course implies that it might be in the same ballpark in quality. Unfortunately, that's not the case at all. While the two movies share a couple of the same producers they don't share directors or writers. "Dudley Do-Right" was directed and written by Hugh Wilson who directed/wrote the amusing "Blast from the Past," which came out six months before "Do Right." As such, you would think "Do-Right" would be a decent goofy comedy, but it's not. It's starts off with an overlong, irrelevant and pointless cartoon and never recovers. The zany jokes fall flat except for a couple and this is from someone who enjoys stoo-pid humor.What's utterly amazing is that "Do-Right" cost a whopping $70 million in 1999 dollars. "Blast from the Past" only cost half that much and "George of the Jungle" (1997) $15 million less (than "Do-Right")! Where'd all the money go? You certainly don't see it on the screen or in the writing. Of course, Fraser is likable and fitting as Dudley and Molina eats up the role of Whiplash, but their jokes are lame and unfunny. Parker might have worked, but she's underutilized. Really, the only sequences that perked my attention are the Native American theater scenes and, in the third act, when Dudley morphs into a bad dude to beat Whiplash, but even these scenes aren't anything to write home about.Simply put, "Dudley Do-Right" is a DUD.The film runs 77 minutes and was shot in British Columbia and Santa Clarita, CA.GRADE: D
bigverybadtom There had been a fad in Hollywood decades ago for making live-action versions of old television cartoons. None really worked, but this one has done more badly than the others. Of course, it didn't help that Dudley Do-Right cartoons were invariably shorts, rather ones that beget complicated situations.The cartoon had the premise of a strong and handsome but dense hero doing battle against the villain Snidely Whiplash, succeeding in the end when he finally uses his head. (One episode has him fooling Snidely into thinking some dynamite exploded when it didn't because he tricked him using a recording of an explosion-but Dudley had failed to defuse the real dynamite.) So what happens here? Snidely starts a fake gold rush, and Dudley eventually foils his plans. This could have been the basis of something good, but a confusing and unfunny story, ethnic stereotypes, and performers who don't correspond very well to their cartoon equivalents make this a bad movie. Even Dudley Do-Right completists should stay away.
vitachiel No, not one tiny bit of this movie can be said to be even remotely funny. How come that so many seemingly sane people get involved in a movie that only two or three persons in the whole world would find funny? Were they tricked? The slapstick was downright pathetic and all the overcliché'd jokes make this one painful to eyes and ears. OK, there was the scene in which fireworks were being shot at attacking boats, but this scene was over before I knew, so even this will not change the rating I generously bestow on this hopeless attempt at creating humorous content.