PG-13 | 16 December 1994 (USA)
Speechless Trailers

In the midst of election season in New Mexico, political speechwriters Julia Mann and Kevin Vallick begin a romance, unaware they are working for candidates on opposite sides.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Andres Cardenas When now a days the only news one hears are tragic and when going to the movies is basically to see violence and sex, it is always refreshing to see a cute silly movie that allows you to smile and spend an hour and a half without suffering through its plot. This movie, in my opinion, carries a little bit of several styles of comedy: situations that make it funny and the use of lines where you have to interpret what they are saying in order for them to make sense and allow you to smile. This movie is very local, in the sense that you have to be a native English speaking person to really understand many of the intended meanings of the dialogues. Any way it is a well spent 90 minutes of your time to relax a little and follow it through with interest. For Spanish speaking viewers, the background song: NO SE TU makes it very worthwhile to watch/hear.
WatchCat I'm glad the writers of this movie were NOT speechless! Politics does make strange bedfellows, but this film was written well enough that it didn't require bed scenes for it to be entertaining to adults and proves that love can be a funny thing.The very witty banter between Keaton's and Davis' characters is lively and thoroughly enjoyable. Their chemistry is wonderful and believable. The storyline is credible, too. It probably doesn't happen often inside opposite political camps but, just as Carville and Matlin are living examples that relationships can survive working for opposing party candidates, you'll savor watching the film's characters discover that love is the most important party.I voted SPEECHLESS an "8" – it's one you'll enjoying recalling again and again.
mdm-11 Gena Davis and Michael Keaton fall in love "at first sight". OK, I'm still with them. They BOTH are involved in OPPOSING political campaigns, neither knowing about the other's activities at first. OK, it's about 10,000 to 1 now. After several additional twists and turns (resulting in incredibly unlikely situations), they end up together, apparently living happily ever after. Now the odds have increased to about 10 million to one! This story is about as likely as the unspeakably unbelievable love story delivered by Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in "You've Got Mail". I was entertained by this "light fluff", especially when "their song" was worked in. The two leads worked well together, no problem there. I just found the story to be shamefully unbelievable. If you enjoy romantic comedies, you're getting a great romance, but be warned of the "I Love Lucy" lunacies!
rbverhoef If 'Speechless' had two other lead actors it was probably a bad and most of all boring movie. Not that the movie is good now, but it is definitely not boring either. Kevin (Michael Keaton) and Julia (Geena Davis) are both speech writers for different candidates in an election. They meet, have a lot of fun, are not honest about their professions, and fall in love. Not much later they discover they are from different teams and there are some funny scenes where they can't stand each other. Slowly they become friends again, but by that point Julia's former fiance Bob Freed (Christopher Reeve) has come back and they have decided to try it one more time. Of course you can pretty much guess the rest of the story.The story is not good, too predictable even for a romantic comedy. The movie can be funny at times, not because the jokes are so good but because Keaton and Davis are so good. They deserve a better movie, this movie can be happy they are in it. They have a nice chemistry and the dialogue between them can be quite funny as well, although Keaton takes it a little too far sometimes. Again, I guess this is the fault of the movie and not of Keaton. For the actors you can watch it but there are many better romantic comedies.