I Love Trouble
I Love Trouble
PG | 29 June 1994 (USA)
I Love Trouble Trailers

Rival Chicago reporters Sabrina Peterson and Peter Brackett join forces to uncover a train wreck conspiracy.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Predrag This movie is a fun mystery with all the elements I enjoy - one of my favorites in a long list of good movies. The chemistry between the main characters is very good. I like that I knew the two would get together, and throughly enjoyed that their getting together was so entertaining. He said she said, was tasteless and full of junk John Hughes' style, and this one is way better than that one, even if Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth Perkins are two good actors, and it had one scene that is a memory in itself...The main reason I like it, though, is that the idea of news reporters actually digging into a story because there is something being hidden is a nice thought. I rarely see a news story these days that I feel like they have even made any effort. They sure don't follow up with anything locally so this movie is a nice difference. I realize there were complaints by some that there was too much going on and that the story didn't follow one thing, but that's kind of the way that movies go. There was the main story being chased by two reporters that were rivals and had an obvious attraction. The "love story" is kind of behind the scenes which is better in my opinion because it is really more of an action suspense movie anyway. The humor is OK but not horrible. It is a 90's movie so you can't expect it to be as good as one from nowadays! Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
Tss5078 I've seen I Love Trouble several times and it never gets old. It is from the early 90s but is a story that is still entertaining today. Nick Nolte and Julia Roberts play competing reporters at different newspapers in Chicago. When a major story breaks, they both compete to scoop each other, but ultimately decide to team up when it becomes clear that their lives are endangered. Julia Roberts shines in one of her first leading roles, showing us what got her to be known as America's sweetheart. Nick Nolte is also fantastic. He is a very good actor who doesn't get many good roles anymore, because of his past. It's good to see him playing a likable character instead of making a cameo as a psychotic drunk. I Love Trouble, and I love this movie. It's a great story with an excellent cast and thoroughly entertaining.
pmcguireumc OK, once you get past the age difference of nolte and roberts, the film is enjoyable. I would have rather seen someone a little younger in Nolte's role, but other than that, i found the film enjoyable and well written. Where the film struggles however is editing. I actually think the film is about 20 minutes too long. There are a lot of traveling too and fro scenes that could have been edited out.Where the film succeeds is the acting quality. As I said above, the age difference in the leads is distracting, the chemistry in the actors is very likable (including a nice set of guest spots in the beginning, including Robert Loggia). Many of the montages used to illustrate the developing rivalry are well done and the clues in the film are very intelligent.Ultimately though, the best part of the movie is the fact that it is clean. A nice tribute to the tracy/hepburn days.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews If you're a heterosexual male, there's only one reason for seeing this movie, or any part of it. And if you're reading this comment, you probably already know what it is, from the one line summary. I did write it to get the attention of aforementioned group. If you're not in it, feel free to ignore this comment or despise me. I'm used to it. Anyway, yes, in this movie, there is one scene where Julia Roberts is, even confirmed by the trivia segment of the main site for this film, completely naked. Of course, we don't see all that much... she is against nude scenes, after all. But what we see is enough to form about as close to a complete (and realistic, mind you) mental picture of her body. Anyway, it's probably as close as we're ever going to get, anyway. About the one-hour mark in the movie, about halfway in, Roberts is bathing nude in some water. She gets up and begins to pick up her clothes, covered by Nolte whom she stands behind. Then some boy-scouts show up, and, being heterosexual males, they of course stare at the lovely Julia, and who can blame them? Anyway, after some chit-chat between Nolte and Roberts, Nick decides to be a man and let the boys have an eyeful... he walks away, leaving Roberts standing butt-naked in front of the boys. We get plenty of alluring shots of her back, legs and thighs from behind, and this sight alone is enough to please me... no need for full nude shots. This sequence is the only thing in the movie worth watching for any straight man, I'm sorry to say. Should I go through the normal routine? Why not. The plot is dull and pointless, not to mention predictable. The pacing is awful. The acting is flat. The characters are mostly stereotypes, and all paper-thin. If you are forced to watch this movie by a girl who couldn't tell a good movie if it hit her in the face, just look forward to that one scene. If it's on TV one night, just keep half an eye open for that scene. If you're able to see it on VHS or DVD for free with no obligation to see the whole thing, fast-forward or go directly to the scene. If you're not in the group that this comment refers to, then by all means see the movie. Try desperately to explain how the movie is good, or even decent. I'll gladly shoot your comments into the ground with simple reasoning. I have seen the movie a few times, and after the first time(where I payed attention) I have only seen this one scene attentively. Do I have anything against the two stars? Not at all. Do I have something against formulaic movies? Yes, but not if the movie does offer something new. Argue with me all you want, in my eyes there is nothing worth spending time on in this movie apart from that one scene, if you're a straight guy. I recommend this film only to people who don't care about quality in movies, and big fans of the actors. I do think, though, that every single straight guy in the world should see the scene I've mentioned at least once in their lifetime, unless they find Julia Roberts to be more than just a little unattractive, of course. 5/10