Bird on a Wire
Bird on a Wire
PG-13 | 18 May 1990 (USA)
Bird on a Wire Trailers

An FBI informant has kept his new identity secret for 15 years. Now an old flame has recognised him, and the bad guys are back for revenge.

Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
slightlymad22 Continuing my plan to watch every Mel Gibson movie in order, I come to 1990's Bird On A Wire.Plot In A Paragraph: Rick (Gibson) helped convict a drug-dealing FBI agent, and was placed in the witness protection program. Fifteen years later his former fiancée Marianne (Goldie Hawn) crosses paths with him at a gas station, and before you know it, goons show up to kill him, and the two former lovers go on the run.Slated by critics upon release, I have a real soft spot for this movie. OK some of the things wouldn't fly today (Gibson's gay hairdresser for example) and Goldie Hawn has been remaking the same movie over and over since Foul Play. But I do like it. Most of it is down to the two leads. The movie pretty much let's Gibson do his own thing, and he seemed to be having fun, but at times he does come off as a bit of a jerk!! At his best here, he is a bit of a watered down Riggs!! Hell his pose on the poster/DVD cover is almost identical to the one on Lethal Weapon 2. As for Hawn, she looked great!! I'm of the opinion that Goldie Hawn got more and more attractive as she got older, peaking in the Bird On A Wire and HouseSitter era. She handles all her action scenes, romantic scenes and comedy scenes wonderfully!! And man what an ass!! I love it.I also like John Badham as a director, he has directed more than a few movies that I love!!I'm of the opinion that it was solely the star power of Gibson (and of course Hawn) that made the movie a hit, as it grossed $70 million at the domestic box office to finish the year the 16th highest grossing movie of 1990!! A head of Rocky V, Godfather 3, Goodfells and Edward Scissorhands despite some truly awful reviews!! Including one that said "Bird On A Wire fails on every level"
namashi_1 'Bird on a Wire' is Good Time-Pass. Its Fast-Paced, Crisply Written & Nicely Acted. It surely can be watched once.'Bird on a Wire' Synopsis: A FBI informant has kept his new identity secret for 15 years, now an old flame has recognized him and the bad guys are back for revenge.'Bird on a Wire' begins & ends well. It packs in enough entertainment in those 100 odd minutes. Louis Venosta & David Seltzer's Screenplay is Crispy & Fast-Paced. John Badham's Direction is passable. Cinematography & Editing are fair. Action-Sequences are well-done.Performance-Wise: Mel Gibson & Goldie Hawn are in superb form. Its truly a pleasure to watch 2 legendary performers deliver such cheerful & memorable performances. David Carradine is excellent as the bad-guy. Others fill the bill.On the whole, 'Bird on a Wire' is Time-Pass.
david-sarkies I remember that this movie hit the cinemas when I was about 17 so it is about ten years old. I never saw it though I remember that a couple of so called friends got me to lend me money to see it though I ended up not going with them. This is why this movie sticks in my mind. It wasn't really something that I wanted to see and now that I have watched it, I don't really think that it is really that much of a movie. When it was in the cinemas, the Greater Union cinema on Hindley Street was in two buildings, one on each side of the street. One must think that this movie isn't all that good because I am talking about the layout of Adelaide at the time that it was in the cinemas. The movie was average, it is just this is what the movie brings back to me.Goldie Hawn is an interesting actor, interesting that I don't actually think that she really suits many of the roles that she is cast it. Hawn is simply just too innocent. She seems to be a lot like my friend Mellissa, she is sweet looking and not really suitable for a woman who has been through divorces and bad husbands. If only she could act and even look more cynical and disillusioned she might suit the roles that she is cast in (okay I am talking about Foul Play and this movie). The role is not all that bad because the character is supposed to be sweet and innocent, dragged into the action that is beyond her, but her background just doesn't reflect the character. I would have had Hawn's character still sweet and innocent, and still mourning for the lover that she lost so long ago. Maybe she could be married but a divorce is just too messy and too emotionally destructive to create a sweet and innocent character.Bird on a Wire, that title just didn't really make much sense to me. That is probably why I thought the movie was simply average. Sure there were stunts, machine guns, explosions, but the title simply did not capture the essence of the movie. It was also a chase movie, where a couple are chased across America by evil government officials, which is reasonably clichéd. I think to make a good movie now we need to fall into the area in which our music is drifting: we need to turn away from the happy fantasy to the hopeless, empty, and bleak existence that life is. Homer Simpson says to the Smashing Pumpkins, "I thank you for your bleak music for you have stopped my children dreaming of a future I simply cannot provide." Our music is tearing down the fantasy world that we have put up before us, and I feel that this is where our movies need to go.Well, I have talked about this, and we must remember the time of the movie. Bird on a Wire was late eighties and the bleak world view was only just forming. Nirvana had appeared in the early nineties, about two to three years after this. Metallica had released And Justice For All, and Iron Maiden were singing Ballards while Guns and Roses were hard rock. This was a time that the world was beginning to collapse but the dream that was the eighties was still flowing. I was employed as an electronic technician and things were nice. It was a time when movies of hope and innocence existed, yet they still do, though I must see Armageddon to really see how movies of hope exist, while movies like City of Angels seem to suggest having to give something up to love.I still haven't talked about what Bird on a Wire entails, but I guess it is not really all that important. Simply it is a chase movie. A young man, Rick, flew over to Mexico to buy some cheap drugs but was caught by corrupt DEA officials who forced him to smuggle drugs back into the States only to get caught at a private airstrip. He testified and was put on witness protection but the DEA officer was recently released and is now after him. At the same time his ex-girlfriend, the one he left standing at the altar, sees him in Detroit and this thrusts them together. It is interesting but rather plain. I had more fun sorting out my photos.
gcd70 Not only is this a been there before comedy, it definitely gives one the feeling of 'de-ja-vu' (does that sound familiar to you?). Mel Gibson's character seems very derivative of his psycho-cop 'Martin Riggs' in the "Lethal Weapon" series, while several action sequences in the movie conjure up memories of earlier, better films such as "Running Scared" and "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom".For all the work that went into the storyline (three writers David Seltzer, Eric Lerner and Louis Venosta all contributed) it is not at all interesting. The only thing that helps the movie out is the comedy, which works fairly well from time to time. Rather disappointing from director John Badham.Sunday, August 30, 1992 - Video