Out to Sea
Out to Sea
PG-13 | 02 July 1997 (USA)
Out to Sea Trailers

Care-free Charlie cons his widower brother-in-law Herb into an expenses-paid luxury cruise in search of rich, lonely ladies. The catch is that they are required to be dance hosts! With a tyrannical cruise director, and the luscious Liz and lovely Vivian, our heroes have lots of mis-adventures before they finally return to port.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
vranger with two old friends.I've always enjoyed both Lemmon's and Mathaeu's films, and of course their team efforts are always worth watching, and often hilarious.Although I didn't personally regard this film as in the hilarious category, it is certainly a competent and entertaining vehicle for fans of the two principle actors and of 60s style romantic comedy plots.Brent Spiner may actually steal the show in terms of laughs as the arrogant and tyrannical Cruise Director.Gloria DeHaven proves that senior ladies can remain enormously attractive.
edwagreen Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon, both of whom are sadly missed, proved once again that they were a team dedicated to their craft of bringing hilarious moments to the screen. This film is just another example of this.This time out they play two brothers-in-law who land on a ship as dance instructors on board.Of course, their boss is a perfectionist and miserable person named Gil Godwin who just enjoys harassing these boys. It's hilarious how Lemmon gives a quick lesson in dancing to Matthau and how the latter dances a riotous rumba with the boat's owner Rue McLanahan.Too bad that fellow dance instructors Hal Linden and Donald O'Connor are given so little to do but their parts call for that. Matthau falls for Dyan Cannon, on board with her fellow gold-digging mother, the usual outrageous Elaine Stritch. Unknown to them, Matthau has no money either. The widower Lemmon falls for Gloria De Haven, looking lovelier than ever.The film belongs to Matthau and Lemmon and will serve as a further tribute to their illustrious careers.
Tankard22 I was totally surprised just how good this movie actually is because when I first saw it I was only mildly amused! I must say however, that I am still very disappointed that Donald O'Connor wasn't given a bigger and better role! He was an enormous talent.There is a great chemistry among all the main cast members and Matthau has never been funnier.I am tremendously glad that this picture got made because we get to see Lemmon and Matthau team up for the very last time; in a vehicle that puts their talent to great use. Brent Spiner proves that "Data" from Star Trek the Next Geeration is not the only good character he can play.The storyline is really quite simple but the comedy and the characters work really well and I laughed heartily throughout this movie and I highly recommend it.
jotix100 "Out to Sea" was a vehicle for Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau, a team of comedy actors that excelled in their different movies. This film seems to have been made after the success of "Grumpy Old Men", and it involves a cruise where the men will be involved in funny situations since they have been hired as male escorts to entertain the single women of a certain age that are attracted to this type of vacation.Martha Coolidge, the director, doesn't bring anything new to the picture. It's a formula movie, and as such, we know where it's going at all times. The best thing in the film is Brent Spinner, who is the cruise entertainment director, the man in charge of Herb and Charlie. This man, who loves to sing, supervises his domain with an iron fist and gets funny results.Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau could do their Herb and Charlie well, as they proved in the many films they appeared together. Both actors have some good moments in the film. Dyan Cannon, Elaine Strich, and the lovely Gloria DeHaven, are good to see in any movie. Others in the cast include Rue McClanahan, Donnald O'Connor, Hal Linden, among others.Let's remember Mr. Lemmon and Mr. Matthau for other, better made movies than this one.