Mad Money
Mad Money
PG-13 | 17 January 2008 (USA)
Mad Money Trailers

Three female employees of the Federal Reserve plot to steal money that is about to be destroyed.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Suzie Bogus This film is an enjoyable little treat that will keep you entertained and involved. It's not intended to be emotionally riveting or a socioeconomic milestone. It's intended to be fun and uplifting, and it succeeds in that. The characters are human and sympathetic, warts and all, even as they display their very human faults and weaknesses. The leads all do a fine job of bringing them to life. Katie Holmes is just far enough over the top in her portrayal without veering into clownishness (if that's a word). The script is witty and clever, and the film moves along at a comfortable pace. There are touching moments of humanity that add to your sympathy for the characters. All in all I found this to be well worth the time, and even a film that will be re-watchable.
picturebigger This is a remake of Hot Money (2001) which was a really good British TV movie inspired by the true story of the Loughton incinerator thefts that took place in the late 80's to early 90's The thieves despite living sudden questionably lavish lives would have probably got away with it for much longer except one of the husbands stupidly tried to pay £100'000 of stolen bank notes into a bank which not surprisingly resulted in them being caught. Hot Money (in my opinion) is a far more entertaining watch than Mad Money as it is gritty and realistic, keeping you on the edge of your seat whilst still being light hearted. Sadly Hot Money is not available anywhere it seems to buy or rent as it was made by Granada TV and from what I can tell has not been released. If however you do want to watch it you can on YouTube and after the first 10 minutes the sound is much better - well worth a look if you found Mad Money entertaining
Desiree I have to say, I wasn't very excited to see this film in the least. I didn't expect very much from it at all. I felt this film was strangely cast. I love all of the actors that were in this movie but I didn't like them all in this together. I didn't like the plot and I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be a comedy or not. So I wasn't all too thrilled to see this movie in the first place.After seeing Mad Money, my assumption that I was going to dislike it was proved correct. I was very bored, not amused in the least, I hated the characters as well as the plot all together. The plot didn't even make sense to me. I don't know if I missed something because I was day dreaming half the time or what but I didn't think it made sense. It seemed too simple for them to steal this money and I didn't understand how they were let off if they pretty much admitted that they stole it. Maybe I missed some major point in the plot but I didn't think much of this movie mad sense. Diane Keaton is one of my favorite actresses. I was sorely disappointed that she took this part. She is a billion times better than this role.
moonspinner55 Strapped upper-class housewife in Kansas City is forced to take a janitorial job at the Federal Reserve Bank where old paper money is destroyed; she gets an idea of how to reserve some of that cash for herself, and enlists two co-workers to help her. Haphazardly-conceived narrative is nitwit comedy one minute, heist drama the next. Diane Keaton comes up with the scheme, which viewers are hardly privy to (she buys a lock and looks something up on the internet); Queen Latifah warns her not to spend any of the money, but a few scenes earlier is seen enrolling her child in a prestigious school and offering to donate a large sum to the library. None of it coheres, and only the scenes set in the Federal Reserve building contain any visual interest. The three leads (Keaton, Latifah, and Katie Holmes) are meant to be portraying lovable losers looking for a break, but all we can see is that they are greedy mercenaries. *1/2 from ****