Mountains of the Moon
Mountains of the Moon
R | 16 February 1990 (USA)
Mountains of the Moon Trailers

The story of Captain Richard Francis Burton's and Lt. John Hanning Speke's expedition to find the source of the Nile river in the name of Queen Victoria's British Empire. The film tells the story of their meeting, their friendship emerging amidst hardship, and then dissolving after their journey.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Yazmin Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
AMar_rom The British Empire owed a lot to opportunistic soldiers of fortune as well as to explorers: men who risked their lives (and the lives of others) for profit, fame and the recognition from their peers for their accomplishments. In the last category one could think of men like Livingstone, Stanley, Scott and Burton. Captain Richard Francis Burton (whose life we follow in this film) risked a lot for the sake of discovery (to find the source of the Nile) but at the same time he was also a man with a genuine interest and outmost respect for the indigenous peoples and cultures found deep in Africa.In the film we see Burton joining forces with a young and ambitious Lieutenant (Lt. Speke) to travel again to his beloved Africa to locate the source of Nile with an expedition funded by the Royal Geographical Society. The film is an account of this trip but shows also events before and after this. Watching this movie we can grasp the differences between the two men, their strong ties and friendship during their common effort in the expedition and also later how each one coped with their success at home (London).The Mountains of the Moon is a fascinating film. It tells a great story without romanticizing the situations during and after the trip to Africa. Burton, Speke and their comrades endured too much to find the source of Nile, and all of them for their own reasons. The novel by William Harrison (that this movie is based on) does not fall into the trap of trying to imitate Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' but gives us a different perspective altogether. Do not miss this film.
thinker1691 The source of the Nile river captivated many English explorers during the nineteenth century. That majestic river which spans some four thousand miles in length is the basis of this incredible movie. The film written by William Harrison is directed by Bob Rafelson and called "The Mountains of the moon." It stars Patrick Bergin as Capt. Richard Burton. It follows Burton and his traveling companion Lt. John Hanning Speke (Iain Glen) as two courageous, intrepid and certainly adventurous British explorers as they search for the Headwaters of the Nile. Along the way, they meet Sidi Bombay (Paul Onsongo) the most experienced African guide who despite all the rigors suffered by him and the rest of the expedition, receives none of the credit for the discovery. However, the story centers on Burton and Speke who begin as friends and years later end with each believing their society and media friends as they create unaccounted falsehoods and unfounded rumorers of the other's exploits. Still for all it's worth, the movie is a great addition to the treasury of collected works on the Dark Continent. Delroy Lindo has a good part with his character 'Mabruki.' Recommended to any adventurous spirit who wished to visit Africa and the Nile in it's heyday. ****
Michael Neumann Bob Rafelson's widescreen, epic re-staging of the quest for the source of the Nile River is a challenging, often violent adventure, filled with dynamic action, exotic scenery, and striking contrasts between 'civilized' 19th Century England and the 'savage' wilderness of uncharted Africa. The script needs several clumsy, expository scenes to set up the characters of explorers Richard Francis Burton and John Speke, coming to full-blooded life only after beginning their journey into the Dark Continent. But is it primarily an adventure film, a story of professional kinship and rivalry (with suggestions of homosexual obsession), or a criticism of British chauvinism abroad? A little of all three is not enough of each. The overstated, blockbuster music score and a romantic subplot are liabilities, but overall the film is a throwback to an earlier era of wide screen entertainment, showing the shady politics, misplaced pride, and mortal folly of scientific exploration in an earlier century.
coradenice I hardly have the words to describe what I think and how I feel about this movie. Except that I find it stunning. The wild scenery where the two characters' friendship is shaped was splendid, absolutely breathtaking. It was so interesting and moving to watch Richard and John evolve around each other and get so close and united when confronted with life-and-death situations in the wilderness. The story revolves around great ideals and principles in an age of innocence, when human bonding, friendship, love, still had that touch of solemnity, honor and oath. It was very sad to see how John's deep feelings for his best, truest friend degenerate under the manipulation of a man with no scruples. The ending was heartbreaking and liberating, at the same time. The highpoint of the film was, in my opinion, when Richard is shown the unfinished bust of his late friend. The loving, nostalgic look and smile he displays while adjusting John's cheek-bones sums up beautifully the entire story of their friendship, and also suggests that John will always be in Richard's heart, as he knew him for real in Africa, when they went through so many things together, despite his naive, reckless betrayal and despite the games of interests that followed when returning to the civilized world. Truly excellent, I highly recommend it to everyone. It works magic for the soul.