The Usual Suspects
The Usual Suspects
R | 16 August 1995 (USA)
The Usual Suspects Trailers

Held in an L.A. interrogation room, Verbal Kint attempts to convince the feds that a mythic crime lord, Keyser Soze, not only exists, but was also responsible for drawing him and his four partners into a multi-million dollar heist that ended with an explosion in San Pedro harbor – leaving few survivors. Verbal lures his interrogators with an incredible story of the crime lord's almost supernatural prowess.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
liz-amin (ATTENTION! THIS REVIEW IS LONG)Bryan Singer really did it with this one. 'The Usual Suspects' may just be... the best crime film I have ever seen till this day.The actors were outstanding. It's like while watching the film, you always think that the character that they play is almost real. When I watched Kevin Spacey's performance, I nearly thought Verbal Kint was a real person. Same goes for the other actors, especially Chazz Palminteri (Kujan), Stephen Baldwin (McManus) and Kevin Pollak (Hockney). Honorable mention to Benicio Del Toro (Fenster) as well.For the people behind the scenes, focusing on Singer, Christopher McQuarrie (writer) and John Ottman (editor, composer), they all made the film into what I call, a near-perfect movie that will live longer than I think.Singer directed the film as if he had years of experience (when this is just his 2nd film after Public Access), and that's a huge compliment. Ottman edited the film with really amazing touches and him composing the film's theme as well as the entire soundtrack? He's gonna be really huge soon, as the theme still sticks into my head until this moment.Now, let's talk about McQuarrie. He was the one who came up with the whole concept of the movie, starting from just a visualization of five men in a lineup. To make this outstanding film from just that, McQuarrie's super talented when it comes to scripts and screenplays. And the ability to direct too, just like how he did in MI: Fallout recently.Lastly, the story. Super amazing, super thrilling and super twisty. Spoilers are warned. I have no clue that Kint (Spacey) was Keyser Söze. When Kujan tells us that Keaton was, already in my mind this is such a huge twist, but still questions come up: who really is Redfoot, Kobayashi and others beside what Kint just told? I thought usually, when the twist is revealed, it signifies the end of the film. But oh boy was I wrong. It was actually near the end, but to know that Kint made up the whole story as he talked, from words and phrases from Kujan's board, that was super crazy. He spontaneously made up the entire thing! When that came, I was super mind-blown and can't really accept that Kint was Söze all along. Now ladies and gentlemen, that's a twist. Huge applause to McQuarrie.That's it from me. Now by the end of this review, I think most of you reading this have watched the film as I put a spoiler warning before. True or false, will The Usual Suspects live?I think it will. Very much. 'The greatest trick that the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.' -Keyser Söze/Kint
hunterryanbelkin The plot gets a bit convoluted but the writing and acting are brilliant, the twist ending is brilliant as well, and the line-up scene is one of the funniest scenes in cinema history. Definitely worth watching.
dabhiforam In first half there is a story building and you don't know what's going to happen and what this story is leading to and also whom to suspect the way characters played their role and horror of Keyser Soze while in 2nd half it change the whole story and at the end to understand movie you have to rewind for some minutes for one or more time Absolute masterclass direction by Director Bryan Singer.
mcneesecct One of the best endings to a movie I've ever seen! Acting is pretty good but the writing is amazing