Spice World
Spice World
PG | 22 January 1998 (USA)
Spice World Trailers

World famous pop group the Spice Girls zip around London in their luxurious double decker tour bus having various adventures and performing for their fans.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
FlashCallahan As the Spice Girls prepare for what may be their most prestigious concert, everyone in the world wants them. Their manager Clifford and his behind the scenes boss want to control the girls' lives with the sole goal of getting them to the concert in the best shape possible. A documentary crew wants access during the girls' busy schedule. A Hollywood pitch team wants them to star in a movie. The London tabloids want to print whatever they can get their hands on, even if it ruins the girls' careers. Through it all, the girls evaluate their lives and wonder if they've lost sight of what is really important in life.........The ironic thing about this film is that the things that are shown as a 'danger' to them in the film, are the exact same thing that gave these five stars the career and the money they have today.And it's the same people who thought it would be a good idea to release a Spice Girls film, to milk every last penny they could from the girls. And it's a good job they released it when they did, because they had just reached their peak.So the film is nothing more than an excuse for them to sing their hits, and inbetween have some fun little cameos for the older members of the audience. And it's just all over the place.Obviously the group can't act, but they have screen presence, and the story is paper thin, throwing everything in the mix to try and avoid people from spotting the incoherence of the plot.It is rubbish, just like the processed pap that the group released over their two years at the top of their 'game', and paved the way for the loud mouthed teenagers we have strutting the streets being totally abhorrent toward one another and their peers.That's Girl Power.An utterly vile piece of filth that should never be seen by anyone.
kylehaines96 I have heard nothing but negative things for this movie. But A friend of mine on YouTube named Cinema Sickness recommended this movie. So I bought it for a whopping 25 cents and here are my thoughts.The film is just about the 5 Spice Girls who try to help their friend deliver her first baby all while they are trying to get ready for a very big live performance.This is pretty stupid but you know what I had a lot of fun with it. If you are taking this movie to seriously well than you are not going to have any fun with any other movie. Although it is a very strange idea to make a movie about the Spice Girls. But Hey they made a movie about Hannah Montana and Justin Bieber so anything is possible.Plus I think that this movie is a little to risqué for a PG Rating. I say check out this movie for some fun.This review is dedicated to Cinema Sickness(Your Welcome);).Rated PG For Some Vulgarity, Brief Nudity And Language.1hr 33min/93min.***1/2/****
sanja_van_huet I was doubtful about this movie but my daughter insisted we watch it together. I was amazed at how art house it was – with throw backs to the old Beatles movie genre and other madcap '70's and 80's productions (Thunderbirds, the Monkees, etc). Apart from the catchy music and the generally enjoyable overacting – the all star cast makes it a genuine 'spot the actor' vehicle. (For example: this from http://filmbabble. blogspot.com/2007/06/20 -great-modern-movie-cameos.html : "Elvis Costello as a bartender and credited as 'Himself' Costello plays a nice tongue-in-cheek note as the Girls talk about their possible flash-in-the-pan prospects".) It spoofs everything about those bad movies we loved to watch – model buses jumping over model bridges, E.T. (the Movie) in 'bad green coats', the Magical Mystery Tour amazing bus, media moguls (Rupert Murdoch anyone?), Hollywood 'run and go' action movies, over-sexed Italian dancers etc. The more I watched the more I saw. I drove my daughter crazy pointing out ... 'hey that is a takeoff from ...'. If you are studying cinema or just have a movie trivia interest, Spice World certainly gives you more to argue about than Citizen Kain (sorry Orsen) or Pret-a-Porter (apologies to Robert too). If this movie was written by the Directors wife – she was a movie buff. It is better than you think!
alain-aouad This movie has everything related to the pop life in it, a comedic thrilling ride in the lives of a pop star band! The paparazzi, the fame, the fans, the back clash, the media, the managers, the shows and of course the greatest girl band the world has and will ever see: The Spice Girls! The Spice girls in a way gathered all the pop life elements in their movie, mocking even themselves, they tried to show the world that this is all a fun ride and you must enjoy every minute of it while it lasts, and this is what they did in their 2 years world domination rally! You can't watch this movie though if you're a pop music or Spice Girls hater, if you are into pop and into light comedy and cheesy jokes then this movie is for your eyes only (a little wink to Roger Moore's cameo). Relax, get your best friend with whom you spent most of the 90's hearing ace of base and Take that on your CD player and enjoy this movie for old times sake! Now the acting, the plot, the script etc... They all fade into the background when you've got the Spice girls up front doing their thing! So stop complaining about this movie, it is not just another Oscar Submission, its supposed to be a funny ride and a silly joke for God's sake, lighten up and enjoy it for what it is!