NR | 08 June 2010 (USA)
BearCity Trailers

Set in New York's gay "bear" scene and taking a cue from the popular HBO franchise "Sex and the City," BearCity follows a tight-knit pack of friends experiencing comical mishaps, emotionally sweet yet lusty romantic encounters and a cast of colorful, diverse characters as they gear up for a big party weekend

Alicia I love this movie so much
Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Craig West The two main characters are a "twink" and a "silver daddy". Neither is a bear. Almost all their FRIENDS are various types of bears, but they aren't. And the romance isn't that good, is basically about one character getting over his worry that his friends won't like his new boyfriend if they get together. And of course, in the end, they don't care at all.The supporting characters have the best lines and situations. I wish the MAIN STORY were as interesting.This is reminding me of "Bear Nation", which is essentially a collection of interviews of bear CHASERS.Is there some reason that "bear" movies can't have bears at their lead characters?
kenneth-pino I can't believe some of the reviews I read above... This is a C-O-M-E-D-Y so of course you will have stereotypes, because they ARE funny. I think the script is funny, the actors are fantastic, in a simple and cute plot. Just enjoy a simple comedy, don't go looking for the ultimate masterpiece of human drama. For those of you who complain about this "stereotype" film, I am sorry to break it to you but this is very much how it is: muscle bears, far bears, cubs, crazy sex, drugs, fun, fantastic queen bears, older with younger, handsome with ugly, sexy and sexier.Stop the denial.
hodger_2010 yes - lots of Eye candy... BUT horrible acting, cheesy dialogue, annoying/ bazaar soundtrack- and that Simon dude?-- within 1 minute of watching his overblown, high school acting class wannabe bullsh*t... i wanted to slap the sh*t out of him- all my friends said i needed to watch this movie- i hate my friends now :P (not really but come on guys!?!!?) this flick is dripping with Bear / Gay stereo types and over blown schmaltz - the last tear jerker scean? - jerked me from my 85 minute coma and i hit the eject- it is now on its way back to Netflix HQ- weighing 400+ pounds is not heart healthy- it will lead to a harsh and complicated death- get the surgery if you can't control yourself- sheesh- i would think that would be the over-riding issue - not that the surgery could go wrong- i know a lot of people that got it done and they are fine- they still struggle with their diet control - but at least their vital signs are stable...finally-
crazyzubr Was disappointed that once again the Big & Beautiful crowd have hijacked the whole Bear concept. Yes there are morbidly obese Bears out there but they do not make up the majority like this film projects. Anyone healthy is made fun of, anyone who wants to live a few years longer and lose weight is looked upon with disdain. There was some really goodlooking guys in the film, and the Muscle Bears were good to see. If you go anywhere in the world you will see guys with paunches, but not anywhere near the obese sloths like this movie portrays. Most of the guys you see in Europe and Asia are healthy, hairy and unashamed masculine. This movie is catty queens in flannel.