Working Girl
Working Girl
R | 20 December 1988 (USA)
Working Girl Trailers

Tess McGill is an ambitious secretary with a unique approach for climbing the ladder to success. When her classy, but villainous boss breaks a leg skiing, Tess takes over her office, her apartment and even her wardrobe. She creates a deal with a handsome investment banker that will either take her to the top, or finish her off for good.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Ian (Flash Review)Griffith's character is the secretary of her boss; Weaver. Griffith has some good business ideas and shares one with her boss who secretively claims it as her own. Griffith finds out and exacts an intelligent revenge and along the way dabbles in a little romance with Ford's character who has some connection to the business idea. The story is straight forward and well-acted and is moderately believable pending your perspective. The cinematography is TV quality and 1988 has the worst styles as the 80's were quickly fading out and the 90's hadn't quite taken hold yet. Just awful. Overall, it's a solid women power film with A-List actors taking center stage.
Mr-Fusion "Working Girl" is one of those movies I've put off for years; and I guess it's partly because I'd known it as a romantic comedy, but mostly because I've never been a Melanie Griffith fan.Turns out she's the movie's best feature, fitting well as an ambitious secretary who can't get ahead, someone who takes the corporate ladder by force. Actually, all three of the stars were ideal, but Ford and Weaver seemed to be supporting Griffith. She just seemed to embody that empowered career woman who sheds her mousy constraints.And it is a romantic comedy, but a subtle one. The humor is expressed in the dialogue and I found myself laughing more than I'd expected. It's an '80s movie down to its very DNA and pretty much everything about it still holds up.7/10
EffMJay I just re-watched this and I was so pleasantly surprised at how well it stands up after time. The performances are all terrific, the chemistry between Melanie Griffith and Harrison Ford is very very sexy, Sigourney Weaver is very very funny as the villain, and every single one of the supporting roles ( Kevin Spacey, Oliver Platt, Joan Cusack, Philip Bosco, to name a few) are perfectly cast and performed to perfection. In addition, the writing is funny brisk and sharp and Nichols' direction is the same.Although a light comedy, it captures perfectly the essence of the corporate New York office culture in the early to late 90s. For those on this board who keep writing this off as a "fairy tale," as something that simply couldn't happen, I have two words for you: Carly Fiorina :)
Kayla Masterson Despite Melanie Griffith's weak characterization and other quirk's, I still love this movie. Usually have to watch at least some of it when it finds it's way to my TV once again.Here's the quirk that has always bothered me: (Don't think it's a spoiler, so I have not checked it as such) "Cyn" is her friend at the very beginning of the movie. The opening scene has them walking to work. Tess leaves that job and goes to work elsewhere. Funny, she's in the exact same secretarial pool as Cyn? Neither of them mention it, yet Cyn is always there in the same office. That's quite a convenient coincidence! Also, it's fascinating how much business has been demonized in recent years. What used to be a triumph of feminism...that women can be just as effective in business as men, has now become a hatred of business all together. How sad. This limits women's choices, rather than broadens them. There was a time when women longed to use their brain in a setting like this. Sure, it's not for everyone, but isn't it allowed to be for someone?The movie itself, is a great piece of fluff that's just plain fun to watch again and again