PG | 22 December 1989 (USA)
Always Trailers

Aerial firefighter Pete risks himself and his vintage World War II airplane in a constant and death-defying quest to fight forest wildfires, much to the dismay of his girlfriend, Dorinda . His love for Dorinda and the advice of fellow pilot Al convince Pete to give up his perilous career, but he flies one last mission. Pete heroically saves Al's plane from certain destruction, but with supernatural consequences.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
CinemaClown A remake of a 1943 romance drama, and also notable for Audrey Hepburn's final film appearance, Always is a low-key Steven Spielberg film that features a simple premise, carries a sentimental tone, and is finely steered by sincere performances from its faithful cast.Always tells the story of an aerial firefighter whose risky endeavours & daredevil acts deeply trouble his girlfriend. But when tragedy strikes on what was to be his final mission, he meets an angel who sends his spirit back to mentor a newer pilot who falls for his still grieving girlfriend.Directed by Steven Spielberg, the film is a straightforward romance drama about love, loss, grief & moving on that comes pierced with elements of fantasy. It is a small scale production that's tenderly crafted & nicely narrated but its saccharine treatment may not go well with every viewer.Emanating a sense of warmth, there are moments in it that are at times touching but their impact is short-lived. The acting department packs a fine cast in Richard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter, John Goodman & Brad Johnson, and all of them play their part earnestly, leaving not much to complain about.On an overall scale, Always is a sugar-coated love story that's well-made but the sentimental approach taken to bring it to life dilutes its overall effectiveness to quite an extent. Its aerial scenes & forest fire segments are masterly filmed but Spielberg plays too safe with other elements and doesn't risk much to make the movie stand out. A fine effort that's easily forgettable.
Tyson Smith This is a classic 80's action/humor/romance movie centered around aerial firefighting. Thankfully this film was shot before the CGI era, so the aircraft flight scenes are all live action. The storyline is a bit corny, and the hair/clothes are dated, but the acting is great. In my opinion this is one of the best John Goodman movies. I think it really captured his range as an actor. Richard Dreyfus also had a strong showing in this film, and the on camera chemistry between the two seemed genuine. My only criticism of the film was the technical inaccuracies involving the aircraft. As is often mentioned, the A-26 would have no problem climbing after dropping it's load. In fact, with the inertia it gained after diving heavy, NOT climbing after dropping the load would have been difficult. All-in-all though I thought it was a great movie, definitely a must watch from the Dirty Dancing era.
A_Different_Drummer Disclaimer: At time of writing this is the only review I have done where I did not see the original version prior to watching the remake. However, given the extraordinary pedigree (in no particular order, Spielberg behind the camera, and Hepburn, Dreyfuss, Goodman and Hunter in front) I decided to grab the old typewriter (keyboard) and dive in anyway. First the direction. Spielberg would rather have a root canal than leave behind to posterity any scene that is not perfectly lit and shot. So that's a non-issue. Hepburn? OMG what can I add that has not been said by the other reviewers? One of kind star presence. Five minutes of screen time with this lady is equal to two hours with any so-called modern actress. As for Dreyfuss, Hunter and Goodman what I really like about them is that not only do they do what is required, but they are relatively underexposed for the talent they deliver, and Spielberg kept each on a tight leash. (To see what happens when you don't keep these guys on a tight leash, watch Dreyfuss in Duddy Kravitz, Hunter in Saving Grace, and Goodman in just about anything he has ever done). As for final impact, I will say that the story is perhaps not for everyone and does take some time to build. But the payoff is there, and the reality of life and death is not going to change much over your lifetime, so, when you are ready to face either or both, this film will still be available for your viewing pleasure.
jaygade This is one of my favorite movies, my wife and I watched it in the drive-in not long after we were first married so maybe that's why it holds a special nostalgic place in my heart.I was quite surprised to hear several years later that this was considered to be a failure (or at least less than a success) for Spielberg.While the themes of the movie may seem formulaic, the way the pieces fit together is anything but. Overall it's a great love story which also examines the qualities of heroism vs. selfishness, and it has a great sense of humor throughout. All of the actors put in heartfelt performances.If he was trying to channel Capra, then he certainly succeeded, IMO.