With Honors
With Honors
PG-13 | 29 April 1994 (USA)
With Honors Trailers

Convinced he'll graduate with honors because of his thesis paper, a stuffy Harvard student finds his paper being held hostage by a homeless man, who might be the guy to school the young man in life.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Desertman84 With Honors tells a tale about a homeless man who meets a group of Harvard students and this leads to an awkward relationship wherein he becomes their new professor about the real world and life in general. The homeless man is portrayed by Joe Pesci while Brendan Fraser,Moira Kelly,Patrick Dempsey and Josh Hamilton were cast as the students. This film feature was directed by Alek Keshishian,who happens to have a degree from Harvard.This could have been a great film considering that it has a talented cast like Pesci who happens to be an Academy Award winner,it was just too bad that it has a somewhat a simplistic screenplay. It was contrived and clichéd as the viewer could have seen how the relationship with the homeless man and the students would turn out,how the conflicts will be resolved and the conclusion that came to happens to be no surprise at all.Added to that,the cast wasn't able to elevate it due to average performances despite having being talented and the direction was far from being wonderful.
Ricardo B. I saw this movie as a kid, maybe 13/14 in which I could still fill the gaps and magnify the story by sheer force of imagination and innocence. Today I saw it again as a young adult and while the film-making doesn't shine and the acting isn't as top notch as I had remembered it, the movie still delivers a warm feeling. This is the type of movie that unfortunately doesn't get made in Hollywood anymore. A simple premise,contrived scope, time frame and number of characters and an optimistic view of the world and people. As a child this perspectives filled the TV and cinema,everything had a moral and the bad guy was always defeated. Today, the movies don't carry the same idealistic view on human nature, preferring the darker(some will claim more realistic) approach on character and plot development. I rather that we had stories of hope than displays of human atrocities."When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality." ---Dom Helder Camera
Tracy_Terry_Moore Harvard punk (Brendan Fraser) helps a homeless dude (Joe Pesci) in exchange for lost thesis papers.It's a series of revelations that change the political views of a selfish Ivy-leaguer as he learns from the 'wisdom' of a bum who has all the appeal of a rat-dropping. The homeless are depicted as insane alcoholics while Fraser's roommates include cute Moira Kelly, cool Patrick Dempsey, and handsome Josh Hamilton, who are given virtually nothing to do.Not much here, but there is some good location scenery of Cambridge and Harvard University.Ve Ri Tas!
insomniac_rod Sweet memories... I remember watching this movie just hours before I had my first month celebration with my girlfriend at the time. It was a cold night as far as I remember. This movie moved me because it taught me a lesson about forgiving, changing for good, but most important of all; not handling with the future adequately. The plot is moving and convincing for an audience that enjoys these kind of movies. If you liked "Scent of a Woman" for example, "With Honors" will please you completely. I won't get into the plot because many people what reviewed it but all I can tell you is that the performances and plot will leave you with a smile. Pesci's performance is terrific.