Curly Sue
Curly Sue
PG | 25 October 1991 (USA)
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Bill Dancer and his young companion Curly Sue are the classic homeless folks with hearts of gold. Their scams are aimed not at turning a profit, but at getting enough to eat. When they scam the rich and beautiful Grey Ellison into believing she backed her Mercedes into Bill, they're only hoping for a free meal. But Grey is touched, and over the objections of her snotty fiancé.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Steve Pulaski John Hughes' Curly Sue is the film equivalent to a box of chocolates. When it's given to you it looks beautiful, sweet, harmless, and lovely, but as time goes on, it becomes sticky, disgusting, and before you know it, it's time to throw it away. Curly Sue starts out promising, progresses pretty quickly, but there are instances that are questionable and not very necessary.This went on to be Hughes' final film in the director position. Many opinions have been tossed around why. Some says its failure is the reason why he quit the position, some say he just got tired of working in the film industry, and others say after he got off the train of adolescence, he wanted to do something completely different. Whatever the case may be, I can still say that Curly Sue is not a horrible film, but a film that clearly lacks confidence in its current state. Everything about this spells drama, but it seems during production, Hughes made up his mind that he wanted this to be a comedy too. There's a lot of directionless hitting with cheap, slapstick sound effects that don't fit at all to this movie, and really throw a wrench under the screenplay's tires. There are shots of Jim Belushi being thrown into a bus, people being punched in the face, and so on. It gets to be much and it shows a grand lack of confidence when a drama needs to throw punches.The plot revolves around Bill Dancer (Belushi) and his pint-sized, precocious accomplice Curly Sue (Porter) who go around conning people to give them money so they can pay for their next meal. They are the kind of guys that will run up to the back of your car and fall down to make it look like you hit them, so they can get a little money from you. They manage to trick bitter divorce lawyer Grey Ellison (Lynch) by using the same practice, and kindly takes them into her home despite her husband's better wishes.Alisan Porter is perhaps the cutest thing in the film. Her character is so harmless and cheery that she is effortlessly likable throughout the course of the film. There's one scene where it is clearly nippy outside and she tells Bill "I'm freezing my balls off." Bill replies "you don't have balls to freeze off." She is impossible not to like, and she offers more than her curly hair and cute smile.The film doesn't go anywhere very quickly, and the effect it leaves is moot at best. The characters are cute, the plot is sufficient, but the overwhelming amount of slapstick and the sort of manipulation the film possesses is enough to turn someone off. John Hughes has been called "the philosopher of adolescence" and speaks to a generation who once thought that nobody could define them. He should've reminded himself that sentimental kid comedies were a dime a dozen.Starring: James Belushi, Kelly Lynch, and Alisan Porter. Directed by: John Hughes.
sanniti I'm going to give it a 10 just because the IMDb rating for this film is so surprisingly low. It deserves a higher rating. Whenever I'm feeling in a funk, I put this on and all my cares and worries just disappear! I've read the reviews and still don't understand why people don't like it...because a yuppie lawyer wouldn't fall in love with a bum, you say?! I am a career woman and still I was with a dumpster diver for 5 years. Love is blind, people. Plus, it's just a story and a good cute feel-good story. Curly Sue is adorable. How can you NOT fall in love with her?!! So, rent it, buy it and put it on when you're feeling blue. We could use more movies like this one for good old-fashion escape. Highly recommended.
TheLittleSongbird I had heard some not-so-charitable things about Curly Sue, and after also seeing the negative rating on IMDb, I was differing whether to see it. You see Curly Sue I have seen dismissed as cheesy, overly sentimental, predictable, slow and so forth. Curly Sue is not perfect by all means, but I actually did not see what was so awful about it.I agree the story can be predictable, and the film can be slow at times. I also felt Curly Sue was slightly overlong, but that's probably just me.However, I did not find it overly sentimental really. Sentimental it is, but overly so no. The film is very heartfelt and poignant, yet has a humorous and light-hearted tone to it. Curly Sue also is beautifully filmed, has a lovely soundtrack and the direction is solid enough. Even the acting wasn't too bad. Alison Porter is very endearing and cute in the title role, while Kelly Lynch is sexy and appealing and James Belushi is very watchable as the bum with a heart, and is also somewhat touching.Overall, has its faults but is both funny and touching. I liked it, a lot. 7/10 Bethany Cox
Dennis Marcum With all thats going on in the world sometimes we need an escape. Curly Sue is just that. Not a complicated plot or deep meaning; however it is not devoid of substance. There is more than furious action or heart pounding dramas. There are the charming little shows you can watch with your kids and have enough substance to enjoy with your date. Try it you may like it more than you think. The little girl is really smart and cute. The "Dad" and the girl go thru some slapstick routines. When a jealous boyfriend steps in, trouble brews for Curly and the life shes known may be torn asunder. Fred Thompson and Kelly Lynch play good roles as the upper crust and Alison Porter and James Belushi are a interesting fable like duo portraying street wise homeless drifters. Their worlds collide and comedy ensues.