PG | 06 March 1987 (USA)
Hunk Trailers

A "devilish" tale about an ordinary guy who is visited by a beautiful apparition promising him popularity and drop-dead good looks in exchange for his soul. Transformed overnight into a "hunk," he soon discovers there may be hell to pay for his new lifestyle!

Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Catherina If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
oprlvr33 Part of an 80's Teen Comedy - Back to School DVD set I just bought, it didn't look all promising, to be honest. However, I did give it the benefit. And was I ever surprised. This low-budget film has substance, and an actual plot - with actors who can actually act.I found it charming, entertaining, and funny. In fact, many areas are downright hilarious. The dialog, acting, direction, and cinematography are decent. And I loved its overall moral theme: Beauty is over-rated. The film centers on tech-geek Brad Brinkman who grows bored with his overall life, and desires severe change, especially with women. He's visited by a sexy apparition who transforms him into a total stud. And then Brad/Hunk must decide thereon if he's indefinite happy with his 'transformation'.The only downers to this were the club snobs who's performances were weak and way overdone. Otherwise this movie is 2 thumbs up.
Uriah43 "Bradley Brinkman" (Steve Levitt) is a computer programmer who daydreams about being somebody other than the nerd he essentially is. Suddenly, a demon by the name of "O'Brien" (Deborah Shelton) appears and makes a deal with him to change everything. He then agrees to a temporary arraignment to sell his soul with a stipulation that if he doesn't like the agreement he can revert to his former self. The next morning he awakens as a brand new person named "Hunk Golden" (John Allen Nelson) who all the women simply adore. Anyway, as I recall the first time I saw this movie was back in the early 90's one evening while watching "USA-Up All Night" hosted by Rhonda Shear. That said, about the only thing I recalled was how great Deborah Shelton looked playing the part of "O'Brien". Now, having just seen it again for the first time in over 20 years, I have to concur with my earlier assessment because she definitely adds some nice scenery to this movie. Unfortunately, she was about the only good thing this film had to offer as the rest of it was long, dull and terribly predictable. Not only that but while it is billed as a comedy there really wasn't much humor to it. In summation, if you're totally bored or you happen to be a fan of Deborah Shelton then this film might be worth a look. Otherwise you would probably do best to pass on it. Below average.
BA_Harrison Quite how Lawrence Bassoff got a second writing/directorial gig after his appalling sex comedy Weekend Pass I'll never understand, but here it is—Hunk—yet another take on the tale of Faust, in which a nerdy computer programmer by the name of Bradley Brinkman (Steve Levitt) agrees to a devilish trial offer from sexy Satanic minion O'Brien (Deborah Shelton): his soul in exchange for new persona, that of ripped beefcake Hunk Golden (John Allen Nelson), a fancy car, and loads of cash.The whole Faust shtick offers plenty of opportunities for laughs and smutty humour, and yet somehow Bassoff manages to miss them all, instead giving his viewers a succession of laugh-free scenes in which Hunk struggles to come to terms with his situation, mingles with the shallow inhabitants of exclusive beach resort Sea Spray, and falls for his disbelieving shrink Sunny (Rebeccah Bush). Not only is the film desperately unfunny, but for a Crown International film, Hunk is also surprisingly free of female nudity, making it a double disappointment in my book.Rather unsurprisingly, this was to be Bassoff's last film, no-one willing to give the guy a third chance to prove what a lousy film-maker he was.2.5 out of 10, rounded up to 3 for IMDb.
Amy Adler Bradley works for a computer company as a programmer. His girlfriend ran off with someone else and he has been so despondent, his job is going down the drain. Magically, one night he writes a terrific new program that makes the company big money. Bradley is given many perks, including a summer off and digs at the beach. Nevertheless, Bradley is snubbed by the glamorous folks near his apartment until he makes a "deal" with a beautiful woman who claims to represent the devil, himself. Bradley will get a new body until Labor Day, a body of a hunk. And, wow, on Labor Day he can choose to make his deal with the underworld permanent or he can walk away with his old body. Bradley signs a contract and gets his new bod. Beautiful women suddenly swarm around him and endorsements come his way by the truckload. But, very worried, he goes to see a counselor to help him make sense of the situation. Can she point him in the right direction? This is a stupid movie with little to recommend it. The cast is average, the script is lousy, the costumes are poor, and the production values are very low. What more can one say or need to say? Avoid this film, it is junk. Spend your time looking for a much better romantic comedy, such as Return to Me or Kate and Leopold.