Stranger Than Fiction
Stranger Than Fiction
R | 16 March 2000 (USA)
Stranger Than Fiction Trailers

A hysterical man asks his friends to help him dispose of a stranger's corpse.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
ksgrano Stranger Than Fiction is aptly title. It is an outstanding movie with a little bad acting, but it is good enough to keep from ruining the movie. It is a great entertaining movie with more twists than a medium sized roller coaster. Sometimes the actors in the movie will irritate you with their constant screaming about something they just did, when they are in some kind of private place. It is a pretty funny movie. I saw it on TV and the information said it was a Thriller with lots of plot twists. But they did not say how extremely funny this movie really is. If you love thrillers, and spur of the moment type comedy, you will love this movie. 8/10
ari-virkki Dina Meyer wipes the table clean with much more effective acting than Denise Richards in a simular film by the plot Wild Things. Audience believes truly in the situation at hand, until it completely flips around. STF does not bore at any time. Excellent entertainment! Highly recommended to anyone not willing to know the ending by a lucky guess.
craig-64 This is the first time I have felt incensed enough to write a review. This film takes a new genre, successfully done in films like 'Best Laid Plans' and 'Go', and copies everything done so far. And the 'twist', oh come on! I saw that coming the day before I watched the movie.In short, if you haven't already seen Go, then Go see that instead of this piece of crap.
jomendeziii This is a film that draws you as it begins as a bar story and progresses into a wonderfully complex story as one situation spins out of control. A worthwhile rental or even a good purchase for a collection. The characters are complex and diverse and play off each other well. A similar film is Shallow Grave a British Import from 1994 or the great American Film, The Usual Suspects.